Today was a really good day!!! I woke up early (at 7!!) because I wanted to talk to Sean (at 9 pm Florida time) before he went to sleep to hear all about the big first day back at school. Joe said he picked him up from Laura's (my dear friend who is taking care of picking Sean up from school, supervising homework, and even feeding him dinner, along with her 4 other kids!!!) and went outside to get the trashcans. He came back in, and Sean was crashed on the 7 pm! So, I didn't get to talk to him this morning but I just talked to him at 6 am Florida time and it was the longest phone conversation we've ever had! Sean is a typical boy...not really very detail oriented and not very chatty on the phone. However, I guess when your Mom is away and you have a lot to fill her in on, the typical guy rule doesn't apply. :) We just talked about 30 minutes and he is doing great! He had a wonderful first day back and I think his buddies made him feel very welcome. I feel so much better that his transition was an easy one. He said he had no problem getting back in gear with the work load, and was super excited filling me on the happening's in fifth grade. I asked him if he missed me, and he said "YEAH, but I miss Leeza more". LOL Lucky for him, this is an answer that did not hurt my feelings. :)
Also..want to wish happy thoughts and strength and prayers to my Dad. He is having surgery this morning-gettin a new hip! This is the first time he's ever had to go 'under the knife' and I am sure was a lil anxious about it. His surgery is an hour from now, at 7:30 am Dallas Texas time. Love you very much Dad!! Can't wait to see you running marathons with that new hip!!
Anyway-arrived at the baby house to group 11 having their typical "potty party" after nap. They are too cute! The caregivers were asking me if I was taking Leeza in 10 days. I said October 3rd, which I think is 10 days. I have kinda stopped the countdown because I want to live in the moment and enjoy this special time with Leeza and her friends and her caregivers. I almost feel like I've been accepted as "one of them" or maybe that's going too far...maybe they're just not going to kick me out of the club. :) I hope that means that they know that we love Leeza so much and we'll do our best to make sure she has a happy life!!
Leeza did a great job at lunch, but didn't want her second course. I was fine with that, but Almagoul came over and shoveled it in, and Leeza ate over half of it. I felt rather "inept" that Leeza will eat for Almagoul and not for her mother, but I got over it. I think Leeza is a smart cookie, and she knows that she can't mess around with Almagoul, but she knows Mom is a real softie and is not into making you eat if you don't want to eat and you already ate whole bowl of soup with beets. :)
After lunch, we donned our snowsuit and hat, even though it was sunny and gorgeous out. I just had on a short sleeve t-shirt and a pair of "warm up pants". Leeza was not tired today, very peppy, so she learned how to "give fives" and also to strum her lips. We had only walked about 45 minutes or so when Asiil called me in. The "group" was going to the sauna! This is where a few of them were yesterday when I thought they had come back from the shower. DOH! So, off we went to the sauna room. We stripped the kids down to their birthday suits (except for Leeza, she had a diaper on) and put these shower cap thing on their heads. There were 7 kiddo's in the sauna, SCREAMING their lil heads off. I am NOT exagaratting either. SCREAMING! So, say this seven times fast....SEVEN SWEATY SCREAMING SNOTTY SWEETIES IN THE SUANA WITH SUSAN!
Of course, when the sweeties scream, it produces SNOT. So, we had some snotty sweat goin on. Leeza calmed down as long as I was sitting by her. I played "La Dooshki" (the song they sing when they teach the kids to clap) and that kinda distracted some of them for a minute. They had toys in there too. Leeza stopped crying eventually, as did a few of the others, but some cried the entire time. It was rather comical. I was a big sweaty mess as well. Asill (their caregiver)kept telling me i could go out, but then Leeza would cry, and I didnt' want my baby to cry! Yes, I am aware that Leeza is "working" her mother, but I figure she's missed 10 months of working her mother, so she is due 10 months of "overtime."
I think we stayed in there about 10 minutes. Then we carried all the munckins out wrapped in blankets and set them in these lil chairs. Talk about cute......
Then, it was time to get them all dressed, but of course, it's a must to keep their heads covered. So, they tie the blankets over their heads, around their arms and tie it in the back. These women are EFFICIENT. I am the world's slowest caregiver. I think they would SO fire me because I do not move at the speed of light. Not only do I NOT move at the speed of light, I am so slooooooooooooooooow compared to them. They get these kids dressed so fast! It takes me forever to dress Leeza cuz she is so squirmy!!
After the sauna, Susan was very sweaty too, but not snotty. :) They gave me a scrub shirt to put on because my shirt was DRENCHED! I wore it until 3 when it was time for me to leave and by then it was dry. :)
We stayed and played in Leeza's room and we had fun. The kids had fun with Leeza's toys and Leeza had fun too and is getting better about sharing. :)
All in all, it was a STUPENDOUS sunny day, sweat, snot and all!
Wow- I'm stumped over the Sauna thing. Why do they put them in a Sauna? Do they believe it is healthy? They must obviously. Interesting.
Have a great day!
I guess there was no need to add the word "smelly" in there, huh?
I don't blame the kids for not liking the sauna: I don't think I would either. I remember talking to Murat and Lenor (Peace Corps) about going to the sauna, and I told them, "No thanks. Alabama is like a suana for about six months!" For some reason, they liked it.
Glad your day was great! I'm also glad Sean had a good first day at school.
Fantastic pictures. Leeza is so cute, even when in a sauna. Always a princess.
We opted for a steam shower instead of a sauna when we built our house and I LOVE IT!
I enjoy reading posts about the natural health methods used in Kaz. Simple, traditional, low tech! Some people would be nervous about putting a baby in a sauna but obviously they know what they are doing. I think with caution (limited time)it's wonderful! In the Scandinavian Countries saunas are very much so a part of life from the very young to the very old. In Finland most babies are introduced to the sauna prior to one year old. I've even read where women have given birth in the sauna!!!
Hey Chickpea, Is the sauna to help them get over their colds? Hmmm..i Would like to add sauna time to my daily routine too! It doesn't sound like the kids were too happy with it! Good luck to your dad today. That will make it all the easier for him to chase Leeza around when he gets to meet her! I love the picture with the cap on her head in the sauna. Leeza is just so adorable! Awesome job to Sean getting right back into the swing of things. Don't forget to let me know how I can help! Love ya!
Hi-she's so beautiful...Sean looks real handsome with his new haircut! Your wonderful husband took us out to Beef O'Brady's for dinner, along with Nana and Papa. Sean joined us at Treasure Island Fun Center afterwards, it gave Joey some time to grocery shop. We watched the Rays go into their playoff status! Sean rode the merry-go-round with Johnny, Gina and Brooke at T.I.F.C. and
they had a great time. Sean fed Brooke her bottle, he did a good job. He's excited for you guys to come home, we all are. Nana is in the hospital for a couple of days, hopefully they'll get some things straightened out. Sean offered to dress up as a bunny for Brooke's b-day, we'll see how that goes!!!
I don't get why the sauna either. I can't take that kind of humidity and would be screaming too! Poor little munchkins! Poor Susan! Absolutely wonderful photos though!
Sending good thoughts and best wishes to your Dad for his surgery today.
Honestly - a sauna of all things. I don't think that would jive with the AMA but we don't know everything, that's for sure. Leeza sure looks healthy and cute so what the heck! That is an experience you'll never forget!! She is so so so so CUTE!
Girls that sweat together stick together—that would be my guess. Another great day at the babyhouse. (Who knew the place would be so entertaining?)
If your Gotcha Day falls on October 3rd then we'd both be celebrating as it will be our six-month anniversary with the little kazaman. Wouldn't that be something???
Praying your dad's hip surgery goes well.
A sauna????? HUH????? For babies???? I have never ever heard of this?!!! i don't think they did this in Semey. Hello? Does anyone have a clue about this????
Those eyes of hers are so beautiful. I am captivated! I'm with the rest of your friends, whats up with the sauna? How often do they go in? Why? I gotta know:) So the whole gang is going to watch Hannah play basketball at 5:00 so maybe we will do Subway or Micky D's for dinner. xoxo
Holy Moly, that is an action packed day! You are such a good mom, sitting in the sauna with your daughter. I do NOT like saunas, and with all of that screaming on top of the heat, I'm afraid I would have keeled over in a heap.
Isn't it amazing how your relationship with Sean is also on a different level because of this amazing adventure to your daughter? You'll be able to look back on this someday ... "Remember when you would talk to me for 30 minutes on the phone when I was in Kaz?" Ahhh, I just love how so many "extras" come along with our journeys to our children.
I have the cutest pics of Max in one of those turbans at his baby house. I must admit it never occurred to me that perhaps he was in the sauna that day before we arrived to visit! LOL.
We are finally back up and running with electricity. I have such huge compassion for the people in the Houston area who are still without power.
Also, keeping your pops in our prayers. He'll be doing the jig with Leeza in no time.
I agree, you simply cannot "spoil" Leeza right now. It's not possible. She has alot of "mommy" time to make up. Do anything that feels right. Who really cares if she's playing you or not, any way?! She's just a baby, after all. The most adorable baby ever!
Sauna? Wow! These kids are living large in Kostanai. I love the story - although I cannot say all those "S" words right now because I am so stinking jet-lagged.
As always, love the photos of Leeza - especially in her shower cap.
hey why didnt I get a blog mom?! i miss leeza and you. sorry I just hung up my bad.. so i miss big eyes and lil man and the other dudes.. the onse without nicknames.
sean serra:)
Hello Serra gang! Love the post about the sauna, even if I can't say it 10 times fast. Too funny! Glad to hear Sean is transitioning smoothly back to school and that your custody date is quickly approaching.
Leeza looked so cute in her little shower cap and diaper! I bet it was scary in there! Is sauna good for kids? I know that they aren't supposed to go into whirlpools...
This reminds me of a funny story while I was living and working in Russia. It was yet another situation where we expected to meet with the head of some company but instead were whisked off by someone we didn't recognize and told "now you will have sauna." Uh. Ok.
oh my gosh...she is SO cute....
and wow.... post the details of the Sauna... I agree with everyone else... wow....
Have a great day...
OMG! The sauna pictures are hysterical!!! Now I know where to come when I need a quick pick-me-up. Seeing little "buddha-belly" Leeza with that shower cap on her head was just too cute!!! I love it! Can I use it as my screen saver? :-) Seven sweaty screaming snotty sweeties in the sauna with Susan. You crack me up!! :-)
How very cool.....a sauna! I never would have thought of taking babies in a sauna. I am guessing it was too hot for them and that is why they were crying. Leeza is so cute! Keep up the good "Mommy work!"
Love to all,
Kaz Grandmama Joyce
PS I bet Lezza misses Sean.
Ok that was an interesting day. Are they getting Leeza ready for our SAUNA SUMMERS :) You are such a good mom to sit in the sauna and sweat along side all the crying kids. Sounds like an interesting day.
Love her in the shower cap, too cute.
PS I hope your dads surgery went well.
The shower cap photos are so cute. I hate to see tears coming out of those beautiful blue eyes. Say hi to Nurgule for me. I see she is back from her vacation and I didn't get to say goodbye to her before we left. She is really nice. I miss talking to her in our Russian/English/Sign Language jumbled way.
Oh my gosh, she is so incredibily adorable in that shower cap. I just love those pictures. The sauna is very cool. Petro had a sauna and an indoor swimming pool for the kids too, and I loved seeing all the little kiddos enjoying them.
I'm praying for your dad. I hope the surgery goes (went) well, and that the recovery and PT is smooth and fast.
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