Splish Splash, Leeza was takin her a bath,
all upon a chilly Monday night
Scrub a dub, she was playin in the tub, thinkin everything was all right!!
The water is tan, but she don't care
She just likes to play and be all bare
Splish splash she loves being in the tub!!
I love seeing my lil happy lil chubby cherub!!
Leeza has decided she NOW loves to take a bath, and she doesn't care if the water is tan or not. It's so funny, I don't really notice the tan water anymore, either. I don't know what I'll do when I have clear water in the tub! ha!!
The first time I put her in the tub, on Gotcha day, she didn't have an opinion. She didn't laugh, or cry, until I washed her hair. She didn't like water being poured on her head. The next night, she screamed in the tub-which made me feel bad because I shouldn't have poured water on her head. One day, we were without hot water for a day. I boiled some water, and while she was on the potty, I just got the washcloth wet and soapy, and gave her a sponge bath. Oh my gosh, she LOVED it! She laughed and giggled and waved her arms and had a blast. I took the wash cloth, and wet it, and got her hair wet, she thought it was great. I washed her hair like that, which is easy, as she doesn't have a ton of hair (but, more than she had 10 1/2 weeks ago!!). So, that is the way we wash her hair now, and bath time is a wonderful adventure, even with tan water. :)
Leeza has been back to her happy self the last couple of days. Sure, she has an occasional "spaz attack" when you take something away from her, or she's super tired, or you put the snowsuit on, but for the most part, she is a good lil trooper. We went out to dinner last night for our last "hurrah" with Kelly, Doug, and Natasha, and were joined by the dream team (Minus Ivan, he was sick), Tatiana and Eugene. There was no "booth" available, and Leeza only took a 30 minute afternoon nap (compared to an hour and a half or two hours like normal) because she went down late and we had to go to the notary office at 5 with Tatiana. We did that, and ran some errands going into a couple bookstores to make sure I saw every book on Kostanai or kids books that there was. :) I did score a really neat poster that I will have framed for Leeza's room. I am so excited about all the things I have found...and we haven't hit Almaty yet! I think Leeza is about set on gifts until she turns 18 for our "Gotcha day" celebrations. I really wanted Kostanai specific things, as compared to "Kaz" general things, so I am proud of my diligence. :)
Leeza and I were befriended by a table of Kazakh women having some kind of big party. We had to get up and walk around the restuarant a few times to keep Leeza occupied. They were really funny and invited me to sit down and were feeding Leeza apples and trying to get me to drink vodka with them. It was hilarious. Eugene came over and said, "You have 2 translators here yet you go off by yourself!" I have loved meeting the local people-they are all so friendly. I am really going to miss it here, but I am glad that I have so many wonderful memories, and if I forget, I can go read Leeza's blog to remind me. :)
Here is a pic of the 3 of us at the USSR restuarant. It's a cool place with really good food.
I love how she's lookin over at Daddy, like, YOU ARE STILL HERE? so funny!
Leeza had her own entree. She ate almost all my greek salad, plus her own dinner of mashed potatoes and "soviet cutlet." She did pretty well-but I will be grateful for high chairs when we get home!! :) Here is a cute pic of her and "Aunt Tatiana", who has postphoned any child making plans for a few years due seeing Leeza on her grumpy day! HA!!
Here is Leeza and "Aunt Tatiana"
Today, we need to start packing it up, and we are going to visit the baby house to deliver the donations, and visit the store next to the Kostanai candy factory to get some candy..yum! I also posted a plethora of pictures while I still have my wonderful DSL connection. I will kiss my DSL modem goodbye when we leave Kostanai...it has been such a good friend to me and kept me from being lonely! :)
Since we leave tomorrow at noon, I don't know when we'll post again-so, for now, Leeza would like to say Dasvidanya to all of you, and THANKS FOR FOLLOWIN ALONG!
Oh how sweet!
She sure loves her bath! The video made me smile to see her enthusiasm.
It sounds like you are having a wonderful last few days in Kostanai. What a perfect ending to a perfect story.
I will certainly miss you and little Leeza while you're in Almaty. I can only hope you have enough connection to at least post a few words.
Safe travels to Almaty!
Lots of love!
Hello guys - well your off to your next adventure and that is very exciting - I'm sure the local economy will miss you but hey what they lose in business Almaty gains!!!!
So happy tings are going so smoothly.
Good wishes for a smooth trip to Almaty and hopefully you will again have an internet connection to blog world to keep us updated.
Stay well and many hugs!
Seriously you better have a connection in Almaty, I am not sure I can go 5 days with no words from you. Can you send me your itinerary please :)
Love the bathtub shots, water doesn't look too bad and kids, they don't know..
I loved seeing Tatiana, give her a big hug for me, same to Eugene..
Safe travels my friends, your almost home
Great bath tub pics!! and I loved the video. Awww your leaving? so soon ..lol...well I will miss bounding out of bed to see what you have written for the day but I know you and you are resourceful so you are bound to show up on the blog somehow. Safe travels and new advetures await you in Almaty! How exciting , another chapter in the Adventures to bring home baby Kaz!! Hugs and Kisses, Gena, Jaimie and Berik
Wow! Amazing this day is here. I hope it is a smooth transition taking your little Kaz sweetie on to the next destination towards HOME. I'm really hoping you get back home soon. I'm looking forward to the pics and reading of Leeza's reaction to her room and all her family and stuff waiting in FL!
Continued best wishes!!!
Enjoy your last few days in Kostanai. I am certain you have touched many peoples lives and they, as well as you, will have cherished memories.
Cute pictures and video! I hope you're able to post from Almaty! If not, I sure will miss reading your blog for a while, but I will definitely look forward to a post once you're home!
I know you'll miss Kostanai and the friends you've made there. Leeza will always know that her place of birth is special because of the beautiful memories you'll share with her. Hopefully, you'll be able to take her there someday and perhaps even meet up with the "dream team" who made your dream come true.
Give Tatiana an extra good-bye hug and tell Inabot hello for us, please! Have a safe trip to Almaty and HOME!!
Love y'all!!
OH NO!!! I am going to have Leeza Grace & Susan withdraws. I look so forward to reading your descriptive & exciting Leeza Grace adventures. Spaz Attachs & All!!!
Safe travels!!!!!
I love the video of your bathing beauty! Happy trails.....
OMG you'll be bawling your eyes out once you leave Kostanai and your dream team and your DSL and your tan bath water and your favorite restaurants and...and...and... Sure hope Joe video tapes you in during those last moments.
I'm pretty sure you'll be blogging in Alamty. Five days is way too long for Susan (or us for that matter) to go. But, then again, there's plenty of shopping to keep you occupied.
Goodbye Kostanai, it was sure nice visiting you!!!
Leeza is so adorable, splashing along in the tub. She is so happy, and it just puts this huge smile on my face to see all of you together. Your experience has been amazing, and you are surely going to have a blast exploring Almaty. Be sure to find an internet cafe on the first day! :-)
Good-bye Kostanai, hello Almaty!
You are getting so close to home!!! Safe travels to Almaty. Can't wait for the next post whenever it is.
I'm impressed you got 18 years worth of Gotcha Day celebration stuff for Leeza. I only got 5 years for Rylie- part of my basis for telling Adam we have to go back for a sibling for Rylie well before I run out of Gotcha Day gifts!
WOW. I cannot BELIEVE you are on your way home already! What a journey! Safe travels! I'll check to see if you write again - but for now, you are in our hearts always!
Oh, Susan, what a wonderful blog! Thank you so much for sharing this. Leeza is just precious!!!
I am so incredibly happy for you all that your beautiful daughter has finally joined your family. You have been through an amazing journey and I am absolutely thrilled to be able to read the happy ending of this chapter. I'm sure your entire family is thrilled to be able to get back home and begin to live the rest of your lives together.
Safe travels!
Hopefully I can see you in the near future!
Hayley Wilmes
Congrats again. Can't wait for the post that you are home. You are almost done now and then the real party can begin!
Don't even think about not posting-What ever will we do????lol Happy travels, continue to enjoy each and every moment. Love you all.xoxo
I'm sure you are up this morning (although 9 p.m. back home) and getting ready for your departure. Just sending wishes for a safe and calm trip home. We loved getting to know you in person and look forward to a growing relationship back in the U.S.
Much love and safe travels!
Kelly and Doug
How cute! Miras used to love to play with the wand. Good luck in Almaty! Happy travels and don't forget to find an internet cafe (they are everywhere) and keep us updated!
So cute in the tub! I even love the tub!
You'll still have a connection in Almaty I'm sure, but likely just very sloooooww dial-up. I'm not able to watch the videos or load video because of it. An internet cafe with Brady banging on the keyboard just won't work!
Your Kostanai experience has been so wonderful and you have made the most of it! The memories are too precious. Safe travel and see you in Almaty soon!
I am just in love with your baby girl. She has such personality! I LOVE the splish splash video - so, so cute! I, for one (I am sure), are wondering how on earth you are going to get all your shopping goods back to Florida. And once you are there, it souns like you could open a store :)
I am hoping that since you haven't posted that a seat opened up and you have gotten out of there as scheduled.
I can't believe you are in Almaty! What a wonderful time you've had... can't wait to hear how Leeza likes Almaty, if you have time to post.
She is so adorable. I'm glad she likes the water - she will be a perfect Florida girl. I'm thinking of you as you wind down your trip.
Hi Susan, Joe and Leeza,
WOW! I am so glad to hear that you will finally be on your way towards HOME! Your blog has certainly been so much fun to see and read. I hope you keep it up after you return home, and that we still hear a few words from Almaty. Travel safely, and know that we are thinking of you and praying for a safe return!
Love ya and Paka Paka,
Kaz Grandmama Joyce
Susie Q....FINALLY I'm on your blog. We've been catching up on the stories, the photos and rhymes that only you could create :)
I've been wondering how I'll give our daughter a bath (in a shower stall) but I think you've helped me figure out what I'll do!
I've spoken with Alysa and she said that she hopes to connect with you. I hope it works out.
Safe travels and CONGRATULATIONS!
Eileen & Pat
Greate blog, Thanks for sharing.
Baby walker in Australia
Baby bath tubs in Australia
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