Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Santa and Leeza...2009!

Leeza and Santa today

Leeza and Santa last year, 2008....what a difference!!!

It was a muggy humid day today, so, I was in no mood to sweat it out at the park, yet I have to get my energetic girl OUT AND ABOUT, so we headed to the mall to play in the killer play area they have there. I hadn't planned on doing Santa pictures, but there was NO line,and Leeza looked cute (although,not in one of her SEVERAL Christmas themed outfits). She has 2 DVD's that she's watched a zillion times on Christmas (Elmo and Abby's Christmas Countdown and Elmo's Happy Holiday's ) and we just started reading a couple Christmas books. Needless to say, she wasn't scared of Santa at all. It's really hilarious comparing the pics from this year to last year. Last year,she didn't have any fear, or tears,but the look on her face just says it all..."Who the HELL is this guy and why am I on his lap?" It cracks me up!!

Funny story
Leeza is addicted to Elmo and Sesame Street. She always always, always, wants to "Watch Elmo",which, to her, is either Sesame Street (which we record daily) or an Elmo video (of which she has several). The other day, she had already watched Sesame Street, and wanted to "watch more Elmo". I told her NO, we were not watching anymore, and we were going to go to the park. I went to go get my shoes on,and I came back and Leeza had taken the current dvd in the player out,and put in Zoe's Dance Moves, and was watching it. I was FLOORED! I had no idea she knew how to put a video in and take it out. I knew she knew how to get Sesame Street on, (which still amazes me cuz it's rather involved..you have to go to List, then choose it, but whatever)

On Sunday,the day that she really drove me insane ALL day and was just being a pill, I put her to bed at 7:30 because she was literally driving me insane. :) She got up 7 TIMES that night, and each time, I walked her back to bed. I was REALLY MISSING THAT CRIB! Around 1:40 in the morning, I thought I heard something, but I honestly thought I was dreaming, or else I thought it was Sean's stereo. Leeza did something to the timer and it often comes on during random times during the day. However,next thing I know, Sean is waking me up. "Mom,Mom,he says...WAKE UP, LEEZA IS UP, SHE IS WATCHING ELMO!"

I walk out into the living room. Let me set the scene. It's dark. Elmo and Abby's Christmas Countdown is playing. Leeza is sitting on the console between the two seats on the love seats, with my purse in her lap. She has emptied the wipes out of the package, and has my chapstick in her hand. I looked at her, and said "Leeza, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She looks at me,and says,"Leeza watching Elmo". I was floored.

Of course, I had to log onto facebook and post it, and email my core group of Kaz Mama's about it. Joe then comes out to see what the commotion was. He went back to bed (shaking his head that I was on Facebook, no doubt) and Leeza says, "Where Daddy,go, to work?" NO, HE WENT TO BED! IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE FREAKIN NIGHT!

Oh, how i miss the crib...

Anyway..I digress....back to today and the Santa pictures. :)

This year, they had a different set up, same mall. She got to play in the Polar Express, pull the train whistle, pull the train brake, and even COOLER..play in THE SNOW!!!!! She had a blast!! I am so thankful for my Iphone..it takes great pictures!

Sean LOVES snow too, and really wants to go snowboarding. I think my athletic 2 year old would love it too. We may have to "suck it up" and go on a SNOWING skiiing kind of vacation for them. I snapped a couple quick pics with my Iphone when Leeza sat on Santa's lap too.

Gosh she was so cute with Santa. Then, we went BACK to the play area. She jumped and ran and played and had a blast. I love the mall play areas. It was extra nice because it wasn't very crowded. I especially love it because she fell asleep on the way home, and is currently napping, so I can update her blog.

Here is a GREAT shot I captured..she climbed up, and was unsure what to do...Look at her face! Of course, she jumped down, no fear. :)


Jstar said...

The photos of Leeza and Santa are *fantastic* - how adorable!

Come to Utah to play in the (real) snow!

Jennifer said...

The difference in last year and this year is AMAZING!!!! WOW!!

McMary said...

She is so cute. You do have great photss.
I can't believe that Leeza has been home for more than a year already--I still remember when you were waiting and waiting.
What a difference a year makes.

keoghclan said...

OMG those photos brought a smile to my face. Leeza is a doll!! I love the pictures with Santa and that outfit - those pants are so so cute.

Happy Christmas!

Amy, Jeff, LM, SC, & Ashton said...

The pictures are, as always, gorgeous!
The story of a "middle of the night rendevous with Elmo" had me rolling laughing on the floor -- talk about a precocious kid -- holy moly - what a little smart kiddo -- you are so in trouble, as this kid clearly can think and act her way through just about anything!!!
PS - how does warm snow feel? funny concept for we northern folks.Perhaps FLA needs to be our next destination? Can we immediately follow it with a beach trip?? :)
SUCH a joy to read your updates - she is just adorable! and your love for her is so fun to share in. Thank you!