Lil Miss Leeza you are 26 months old. I am a tad behind on your blog, as being your "toddler stylist" has been keeping me busy lately. Plus, you just do so many cute and fun things that I have to blog a lot to keep up to document your busy and full life!
At 26 months, you are talking up a storm and surprising us daily with how much you absorb. We were in Target the other morning, getting your UBER CUTE riding boots (your mother had to call around to 3 Targets to find them in a size 8 for you!!), you look up at and say "8 mommy" and I was like "huh?"..sure enough..we were in aisle 8 of the checkout lanes. Wow! I guess YOU DO pay attention the millions of books we read and of course, to your beloved Sesame Street.
Recently, when I sing the ABC song (which is everytime we wash our hands and brush teeth), I would pause and let you fill in the missing letters. While you won't sing the whole song for me yet, I think you could cuz you never mess up the missing letters. :)
We had to take your brother shopping for jeans yesterday and while I was getting out of the car walking around to get you out, Sean said "No way Mom, Leeza was just counting!!" We count A LOT..but it's always mom that counts, while Leeza points. She counted to 8, but of course, not for Mommy, but Sean heard you!! :)
We have been working on letters, and mommy got your some cool fabric letters from another adoptive mommy who is making them to help fund her adoption to go back to pick up her daughter from Kazakhstan. Mostly, you just love to throw them around. However, you can now easily recognize all the letters in your name, and we have the foam letters in the bathtub and last night you said, "Mommy, the A fell out" when we were cleaning up.
Physically, you continue to amaze me. We are still swimming, even though our pool heater is broken. I got you a wetsuit so that you wouldn't be so cold,and you are doing so well. You even floated on your back this week ALL BY YOURSELF! It was only for a couple seconds..but used to scream like a wild banshee when you were forced to float on your back. Emilie still comes to see you, as you show so much comfort level with her than even with Mommy. You tend to "whine" more when your Mommy is there so I hide from inside to watch your mermaid skills take shape.
You are a climbing machine. At the park, which we have been frequenting MUCH more becauase the weather is finally cooling off, you insist on scaling the "big kid" playground, and climb the rock climbing wall. You show no fear, and now love doing sommersaults all around your room. I need to find you a gymnastics class. We tried one when you were 18 months,and the parents were snooty and you refused to take turns. I think you do way better now that you are 8 months older on that, but I'm still scarred from the snooty mommies. I want to find a different gymnastics place for you so we can start that.
You are doing great in preschool. Last night, I told you that you needed to go to bed because you had to get up early today for school. You said,"Liz and Cindy?", and I said YUP! Liz and Cindy are your teachers. They told me you've been much more affectionate lately and you even stay in circle time. However, they also said "Leeza likes to do her own thing and is VERY independent"....yeah, don't i know it.
You are very insistent on putting YOUR OWN SHOES on and if I try to help, you kick off both shoes and start over. While I admire your tenacity, when we are in a hurry to get somewhere on time, it's kinda annoying. :) Last week at spanish, you spent the entire class taking off your shoes and putting them back on. Frankly, I was annoyed but the other mom's told me that it was really good you could do that by yourself already, and that you are 2,so to let it go.
You still love your art and spanish class on Monday's, and next Monday we start a sign language class too! I'm excited because I always wanted to learn sign language, plus, you are so smart I know you will pick it up quickly.
Your new favorite thing is eating toothpaste, and after I brush your teeth, I always give you a turn. You will tell me "MOmmy, you be right back ok",so I leave,and you always get more toothpaste. I started taking with me and you get really mad. The other night, you disappeared when I was getting dinner on the table,and Sean found you in the bathroom eating toothpaste. I took it from you and you ran crying to daddy and told him "Eeza abby toothpaste..MOMMY MEAN"! Yeah...whatever! :)
Lil Miss say that your mommy is enchanted with you would probably be an understatement. I am having SO MUCH FUN with you! I have been on a real shopping spree on eBay lately with you finding the cutest outfits, and making friends along the way. We now have a new friend who is a designer, and one who does really creative things painting on jeans and adding ribbons, etc. I hope you continue to love fashion as much as your mommy does. Your brother is no fun to dress, he only wants to wear oversized t-shirts, and shorts,and the occasional pair of jeans. He doesn't even want Halloween outfits, or Thanksgiving outfits, or Christmas outfits!
I am glad you like to look pretty, cuz Mommy sure loves to dress you up.
You are a real beauty and I just love you so much. Happy 26 months lil fashion diva!!
Definitely a fashion diva, that's for sure! Love the update! She's an amazing little girl, with an amazing Mommy. Happy 26 months Leeza!
And yes- I adore the boots. :-)
Has Leeza ever worn the same outfit twice? :)
She sounds like such a joy. I can't wait to see y'all in a few weeks!
I've just decided that Leeza has to have more clothes than I do!!!! There are no words to describe how cute she is in each and every one of her outfits! She's a diva for sure!
what a great update and you are going to be SO happy to have this level of detail when Leeza grows up (I sob at the thought of that!). It is so sweet and your love for her shines through. What a gift you are to her, and she to you.
Love, Love Love the update. Man is she doing a lot. I can see that Finley is following in her footsteps.. Lil Miss Independant. Ahh.. It's so great and like you said so frustrating at times.
I am loving all of her clothes, feel free to save them for us when she out grows them :)
Love the details in the blog, really awesome.
Fashion Diva indeed! I am so in awe of how well you keep up with updates on what Leeza is up to. I think my favorite outfit is the one with a white top & what looks like maybe silk pants with flowers. Simple & elegant!
She IS amazing! I so wish we lived closer so that we could visit in person! Leeza is growing so fast and is so smart. It is amazing what those little brains soak up!
I swear Leeza is the most loved child in the world. Happy 26 months old, you "wear" it well. :-)
She is beautiful and I just love how much you love her and aren't afraid to shout it to the world! Every child should have such a proud and happy mama!! she is gorgeous. Keep on sharing the fun!
What a smart little girl she is! And adorable in all of her outfits. I believe that she has the biggest wardrobe of anyone I know if any age! Although Miras has started to want to have a say in his clothing choices now which I'm finding a bit frustrating (football sweatshirt AGAIN???).
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