She LOVES her Elmo jammies. She picked these out at Target yesterday,and in the cart, took them OFF the hangar, and was putting them on over her clothes. It was the cutest thing ever. So, once we got to the car, I took of her clothes and let her wear them home. :)
While I was initially really sad about Leeza crawling out of her crib, I have changed my tune after a second successful night. She does really well, and stays in her bed until morning. This morning, I heard her up and talking, but didn't go in, and waited for her to come out while I caught up on facebook. :) She comes RUNNING out of her room, happy as can be, saying 'MOMMY, I GET UP BY MYSELF!" She was so proud of herself, it melted my heart.
The first night, she got up 3x, but after a stern Daddy told her to stay in bed, and Mommy walked her back, we never heard another peep until morning. Last night, she came out once, but that was it.
This morning, while I was folding laundry, she disappeared. Typically, that means trouble. However, this morning, I find her lying down in her bed. She was just so proud! Then she got up and said, "Eeza not sleepy" and started reading books. She is in her room now, reading her books outloud to herself while I do a quick blog post.
She is growing up so fast! She now insists on dressing herself. It takes a lot of patience on my part, but today, I just took a deep breath,and let her do it. If I help her AT ALL, she takes it off and STARTS ALL OVER. I was suprised today that she got her undies, pants, shirt,and shoes all on by herself with minimal assitance.
Today we are going to try gymnastics again. We went to the Mommy and me class right when she turned 18 months (the class is 18 months to 3 years old) and it was a disaster. The other parents were absolute jerks, and Leeza was too young to understand taking turns, or waiting, and it was a miserable hour. However, that was 8 long months ago, and now that she is so much older, and has 2 months of "school" under her belt, I think she will do so much better. She taught herself how to do a somersault while watching 2 girls do them at Epcot on the grass, and can hang a REALLY long time on the bars at the park, supporting her weight. She is strong and quite determined, which makes me think she will love learning gymnastics.
Sadly, our pool is too cold now for swimming, even with a wet suit. While I could put her in swimming lessons elsewhere, I feel very loyal to Emilie,and Leeza has such a comfort level with Emilie. I want to get a quote on fixing our hot water heater for the pool, but I think it still may be too cold and frankly too expensive to heat. We can allocate those swimming dollars to gymnastics (if she likes it and I don't feel like the other moms are be-otches)
However, if other moms are MEAN to me, I feel like Leeza would kick their @$$ses for me. She is one tough broad...even with her butterfly bow!
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