We have been a busy family as of late, and Leeza is experiencing some more firsts. We had her first hair cut last week, her first boat ride this past weekend, and she is also "in training" for her first athletic endeavour, as I join a wonderful team of Kaz Mama's to walk in the Arizona 3 day breast cancer walk. She went to her first race expo, as I ran the Gasparilla half marathon this past weekend. She had her first public temper tantrum that lasted about 45 minutes while we were there. I wanted to get her this cute grey t-shirt that had "Future Marathoner" in pink letters but she was screaming so loud I got a headache so we had to leave.
Leeza got her first new fitness stroller..and her, Bob (the stroller..NOT my battery operated boyfriend),Miles and Sean and I have been logging many many miles since we committed to walking 60 miles in 3 days to help find a cure for breast cancer. We were stopped by a neighbor who told me that Miles looked like he was losing weight.
I'm glad MILES looks skinny-what about his mother who is now walking a minumum of an hour a day (usually more) AND running, and running after my 17 month old tempermental toddler? WHY DON'T I LOOK SKINNY? Oh, the injustice of it all...
Anywho...not even 18 months old yet (but in 3 more days), lil miss Leeza is starting the tempermental toddler terrible two's. She is testing testing testing! From not wanting to go to bed (for naps or night night time) and throwing out all her "friends" from her crib, to throwing an impressive lil hissy fit when she is told NO about anything. I am going to get it on video because it's quite comical to watch. It starts with the feet stomping, then she THROWS her head back with dramatic flair, which usually causes her to fall...but she has some strong abs, so she stops herself before her head crashes to the floor. She will then roll onto her stomach and kick her feet. She kinda looks like she's swimming on dry land-maybe she is doing pilates. It's pretty funny to watch-and she usually ends it fairly quickly when does not get the desired reaction she wants because we all ignore her while trying not to let her see us laugh.
She got her first car, and it's pink! Surprise! She also got her first football training session from her brother, since it's his FIRST season of playing tackle football. Mom is not excited really about this-but he loves it and the testosterone exhibted watching these boys hit each other with pads on is interesting to watch.
Here are some videos of the lil miss playing around with her bro...and her dog...
and in football training...
And just so you can see she is not ALL toddler tantrums, here she is helping me with my chores.
Fabulous videos! I love how Miles is protective of sweet Leeza then realizes it's a game and joins in. I love how Leeza loves her hot car and Suz, I think she is very advanced in helping you unload the dishwasher. She knows right where to put things away, too. That is awesome. Too bad it won't last.
As for the temper tantrums - she's edging up to those well-named terrible twos. As with so much else, she is just ahead of the game :)
Go Sean! That is awesome that he is playing tackle football. You are a brave woman!
And Leeza, Leeza, Leeza... isn't it hard not to laugh when they pout and stomp their feet and throw a whole fit. Rylie started early too. Rumor has it- start early, end early. We're closing in on two and are still having plenty of visits to time out. I'll keep you posted on that one :-)
She looks so pretty with her new haircut. Well, she always looks pretty, but you know what I mean!
you are one busy lady! I think it's great that you are doing the 3-day walk. I hope to do it next year. ok, I'm laughing at your BOB remark! :) Too funny!
Love the videos, so cute to see & hear Leeza. She is a runner, wow! :) I have always thought Sean was such a great big bro. the way he plays w/her & everything...that is really cool & very sweet.
I just look at you wearing shorts and bare footed and I have totally forgotten what that feels like. I know this is wrong, but I'm about to having my first temper tantrum of the year. NO MORE BELOW ZERO TEMPS. NO MORE SNOW. NO MORE WIND CHILLS. NO MORE, NO MORE.
Okay, thanks for letting me vent. :-)
You, Sean and Leeza, are awesome for walking to cure breast cancer. Keep it up.
She is sooo cute!
And Sean looks too cool in his football gear.
Wait till the two hour practices four nights a week kick in....blah! Ryan got mono so he didnt get to finish the season out, but he's all geared up for next year.
Love the table by the way and the chairs.
My house is one in progress. Needs curtains, new light fixtures just to name a few. Too much to do all at once, so it's a baby steps project.
I love her one track mind- back to the car! lol!
The bracelet cracks me up. So cute. I can't imagine Gigi ever just leaving it on.
She looks really good in a life jacket. She's going to be a beach babe all the way (not in like the bad way, but as in blond, blue eyed, sparkly sandles, and spends her spare time hanging out at the beach with her friends).
You sure have your hands full! Let's try to get together soon, I'm thinking a picnic on a beautiful day - we'll drink wine and the girls can run amok. Sound good? ;-)
It's fun to see Sean, Leeza and Miles all playing together.
She is so cute. I could watch her for hours. Good luck with the training. I can't wait to get our Kaz cuties together once they return.
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