Leeza (born in Kostanai) and Nina (born in UST) discuss the diva's that they have now become on the playground at the Swan Hotel in Orlando
Nina's parents ROCK and gave the girls Mickey Rice Krispy treats on a stick! YUM!
Of course, Nina's mom has Mickey Princess Hats, and Nina shares one with Leeza for a photo op...
Leeza looks a lil "Drunk" off all the sugar and has her princess ears half off...she clearly doesn't have the hat wearing and sunglass wearing skills that Nina has...
Happy Susan carrying 2 very cute, very happy lil girls!!
What's even BETTER than Leeza getting to meet another darling lil girl from Kazakhstan? Getting to meet a darling girl who has BIG brothers that can hang out with Sean too!!! Sean and I drove up to Orlando on Sunday to meet the infamous Nina..the girl who has the cutest wardrobe, complete with matching sunglasses and hats with every adorable ensemble (and she keeps them on!!). Nina has 3 brothers, 17, 14, and 9, and while Sean hung with Nolan on the water slides and such, Nina and Leeza played in the pool and got to know each other. I loved meeting Lori-she is just as "real" as I expected, and very down to earth and nice. I am excited to get to know her very well, as we walk 60 miles together as she is also a a member of our Kaz Mama team and we are walking the Arizona Breast cancer walk in November. Her husband, Dart, is a total sweetheart, and clearly Nina has him and her brothers wrapped around her finger. :)
We had such a great time and the girls were really cute together. They are about the same size, but they are about 9 months apart,but we could tell because Nina walks and runs rather than the toddler "waddle" that Leeza still does,and her verbal skills are really exploding too. Watching them play and run around, one would never imagine they'd spend the first year (or two, in Nina's case) years in an orphanage. I got teary eyed just watching them because they both (as everyone else I have met too) have found the perfect families that have allowed them to blossom into the charming lil people they are becoming. :)
I am loving how this Kaz connection is helping us make so many new friends!
Stay tuned-we met the infamous Sadie, future olympic gymnast, the next day, but I thought Sadie and Nina deserved their own posts....
Absolutely WONDERFUL!
Oooooh, I am so jealous! Nina and Max were roommates -- I cannot wait to get them together at Kazapalooza! Max is going to be bouncing between Leeza and Nina all weekend long. :-)
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