Rub-a-dub-dub..two blondies in our tub!
Leeza and her boyfriend, Ryan, had a date Sunday night, chaperoned by MOI, and Sean, while Ryan's mommy went to a photography something or other. I had Sean watch the kiddo's for a second so I could take the trash out. I came back to Leeza's mohawk and the kids drinking bath water from tea cups. GOOD TIMES. Sean is quite a character and I have to say he keeps us all laughing. He was such a great help with the cute couple, even building them foam brick castles in Leeza's room for them to knock down. He defintely has a gift with children and I wish I had a big brother like him! By the way, Leeza wasn't too keen on sharing her toys with Ryan, and MOST ESPECIALLY, sharing her big brother. She did not like it ONE BIT when Sean pushed Ryan around in her pink car. She did not like it when Ryan was on her changing table when I was getting his diaper and jammies on after bathtime. She threw all her shoes out of her shoe bin and refused to pick them up unless I helped. WHAT A DIVA!
MMMMMMMMM bathwater is YUMMY! It's like tea,but better.
He is a is he with my first ever pair of designer sunglasses...yes, I like my bling, as does my daughter. In fact, Ryan really liked one of my "bling rings" and I taught him to say "bling ring" too. :) My sister told me I looked like " P Diddy's girlfriend" in my kick @$$ sunglasses, but I LOVE THEM, so really, that is all that matters. :)
I made a video of Sean singing some song that I have never heard of. He really cracks me up. I know that this blog is "all about Leeza", but I am going to make it about Sean too. I feel very blessed to have him. He has his moments, certainly, but he is ALWAYS sweet to Leeza and she clearly adores him. It melts a momma's heart. :)
I thought I'd post this funny video from when we were in Kazakhstan too because I still love to watch it because it makes me laugh. I referred to it in the above video...the one with Leeza's "cow purse" that some stacking cups came in. I still love to watch it and laugh.
Cute bath photos! It is great that Sean is such a natural - what a gem he is. Miras can't stand sharing his toys nor his Mommy with anyone else. I actually find it kind of cute when he pushed away any kids who might come up to me.
He is a character for sure! cracking me up!!
Ryan showed his booty tonight. I was so embarrassed. He's still hasn't figured the difference between funny and total disresectfulness.
I can appreciate smarty pants humor, but not disrespectful humor.
Sean seems to just have fun. Ryan likes to do that too, but......shew.
I always wanted a big brother like our girls have. They are sooo blessed. The little sisters and the big brothers!!
Sean, you are hilarious. I love your sense of humor. Love the Leeza bath do. I am thinking of little Ryan.
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