We took our first trip to Hunsader farms on Sunday, October 25, 2009. I found out about it on FACEBOOK from one of my friends. I know I AM addicted to facebook, however,I learn about such fun things to do!! We woke up to a suprisingly cool morning on Sunday..it was 62 degrees on my porch (in the shade!) and it felt great. Unfornately, once we got to the farm, the sun was out, and it was closer to 11 am and it got HOT, but we still had a blast. Jillian even came over, and we started off our day by driving thru our favorite donut shop on the beach for egg sandwiches and pumpkin spice donuts. YUM!
Right when we walked in, we got to see this amazing motorcycle stunt show. Leeza was mesmerized!

Jillian borrowed one of Leeza's bows! Isn't she cute?

Jillian and Sean have such a good time together.

Leeza wanted out of her stroller..so Sean hopped in!!


So do Leeza and her Daddy!!!

We met Karen, Ryan and Mike there too! Ryan and Leeza are only 5 months apart and they are pretty darn cute!

Ryan and Leeza got to ride their first pony! It was so cute! Leeza was not scared at all..in fact, I think she would have preferred to gallop away in the sunset..off to find her handsome prince. :)

Gotta get some "fair food"..snowcones that turn your mouth blue!


They even had "corn maze" lifeguards..thank goodness we made it out alive!!

Man...walkin miles and miles thru the corn maze sure makes a gal thirsty!!

Yay! We made it out unscathed...the heroic mom's...Jennifer, Karen,and me!

Only in Florida...a scarecrow in a bikini!!

The kids had a blast feeding the goats. Leeza LOVED the goats..she fed them grass,and some corn.

It's so fun having friends with kids all the same age.
Ryan turned 2 the end of March, Leeza turned 2 early September, and Angie just turned 2 last week. They're all very different personalities but really cute together!

It's REALLY hard to get a picture of Leeza looking at the camera, much less three 2 year olds. However, as I heard Joe telling the husbands, "Oh, she'll chase her around until she gets one, don't worry". So yes, I chased Leeza around the pumpkin patch but it's worth it. I hope she appreciates my diligent photography and blogging dedication. Even if she doesn't, I know I will. It's so fun to document this stuff because time goes by so fast and it gets hard to remember all the fun things we get to do!!

There is not much more precious to me than my sweet lil pumpkin having fun in the pumpkin patch!

Playing at the farm all day makes a gal tired. Leeza was SNORING in her car seat,so I just let her stay in the garage in her car seat until she woke up. I pulled up a chair in the driveway and downloaded my pictures!It was a great day and I can't wait until we can go next year!