As I picked up Leeza from her 2nd day of preschool today, (after a very sweaty 3 hour training walk..GO MOM GO!) she was "galloping" at the door with her Elmo backpack, full of energy and smiles. It was really quite cute to see her so excited! I love her enthusiasm about LIFE!
She was in a really good mood this morning, and seemed very excited about going to school. I'm so glad we practiced wearing shoes and socks, cuz this morning, she was all excited to put on her new shoes and socks. I had my shoes and socks on to, for my walk, and she exclaimed SO EXCITED "Leeza socks, mommy socks, Leeza shoes,Mommy shoes"! I love this age!! They are so freakin cute!!
I told her again how she would go play with her friends, while Mommy walked, and then I'd come get her and then she could go swimming. With Emilie, and Elmo..she added. :) I asked her where she goes pee pee, "in the potty" she says.
I dropped her off and she went straight to the babies, picked one up, and sat in the chair to give it a bottle and kissed me good-bye. I left with a spring in my step because she seemed so happy to be there. In fact, I think I even walked 2 extra miles in the same time frame cuz I was so happy!
After my 3 hour long sweaty walk (with sunscreen this time, I got FRIED yesterday), and I went to get my galloping daughter, her teacher asked me "Does she ever sit down or is she always running around?" I laughed and said, she sits down for Sesame Street. She seemed encouraged by that answer and said she will sit down for snack (yeah, that's my girl..we like to eat!!) but circle time is not a big hit with her at all. I am not surprised cuz at Gymboree and at Kindermusic she is not the stellar student at just sitting-she prefers to stand and run around. :) However,that is another reason she's in preschool...gotta learn a lil self control!
The teacher was trying to help her on the playground and Leeza wasn't understanding what she wanted her to do, so the teacher picked her up and Leeza had a bit of spaz attack, I guess she didn't like it. She also had a fit cuz she didn't want to sit on the potty today either. However-we had no accidents and she went when she got home. I am happy about this because FINALLY she is not peeing like every 5 minutes...she's been potty trained for 4 months and I was hoping she'd learn bladder control eventually! YAY!
She got her report card for the week (well,the 2 days)
This week my mood was mostly happy, and really missing Mom/Dad
During playtime, I chose to play mostly by myself (parallel play)
During storytime, I showed interest but had a hard time listening/sitting quietly
During circle time I..did not sit for circle. :)
During craft time, I partially completed crafts
When playing with my friends this week, I mostly did a good job sharing toys/playing nicely.
This week I mostly responded well to teacher rules and directions.
The teacher comments were: Leeza is adjusting well :), with some tears on and off throughout the day.
So, I give Leeza a B for her first week of school! Not bad sweetie, not bad!
In addition to bladder control, Leeza has some serious iron lungs apparently. She has swimming lessons right after school and she will swim from Emilie to the wall,th en turn around, and back to Emilie. We want her to GRAB the wall and she will sometimes, but man, she likes to swim a long time. Today, over and over, she pulled her entire head OUT OF THE WATER to take a breath. She is getting SO STRONG! I am seriously amazed how far she's come in swimming this summer! She is so close to being able to flip over on her back for a breath too. She used to scream bloody hell, even a a couple weeks ago,during the back float so this is a huge accomplishment.
Ooh strong willed, never sit down lil girl. Sean, as a toddler, was TOTALLY CHILL. I took him to a movie at 18 months (The Tigger movie) and he sat thru it like a champ. I think Leeza will love Elmo Live in October,but I am not sure about a movie yet. She will sit thru an entire Sesame Street episode, under her blanket on the couch, but that is only because she LOVES THAT SHOW!
I love your spirit and enthusiasm for life and your determination Ms. Leeza Grace! We just gotta work on circle time and your fiercly independent streak to let your teachers help you at school!! You still make me so proud--my always on the girl girl!! I love you!!!
I think Leeza's week "report card" is 100% on par for her age. It'll be fun to watch it shift as she grows and gets with the program. It's great.
Way to go Leeza!!!!
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