I have been such a slacker on cooking lately...so I knew I needed to fix it. I figured if I involve my sidekick, it might make it more fun. Little did I know...I was so right!! I felt like one of those really good homeschool mom's who do crafts and cook with their kids everyday. Leeza loved it! It was an educational and bonding experience. I may have to do it again. Tomorrow night-she can pour the cheerios. :)
She was so excited to help-and we counted out how many we should make and how many is in our family and when she heard Joe's car in the driveway she RAN out and told Joe SHE made dinner and how she put chicken then sauce, then peppers and onions and we put it in the oven for 35 minutes. Even Sean made a HUGE DEAL about how good it was and how it was SO MUCH BETTER THEN WHEN MOMMY MADE IT. Leeza even ATE IT!
wow, I'm such a good mom.
SHE ATE IT TOO?!??!?!?!?!? HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT!!?!? Aila will help me cook and prep - but forget about the eating it thing. We're on this new "food program" from Ellyn Satter called "Child of Mine" to help both kids start accepting that there are foods other than yogurt.:) Anyways, it is sloooowwwwww but I'd love for her to just dive in like Leeza! xoxoxo
My she is getting so big. Sounds like very good memories :) !
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