and the way she looked was way beyond compaaaare..
I'd never danced with another....WHOOOOOOO--When I saw her, standin there.....
The Beatles sure had it right!!! :)
My "Baby Kaz" is 17 months old today. The longer she is here, the more and more obvious it becomes that she truly was meant to be our daughter. She is (complete with stomping her feet temper tantrums) a "perfect lil Serra". Not that she is a perfect lil angel all the time, with a bow in her hair and a spring to her step (HARDLY!), BUT she just fits in so well in our life. I continue to be completely awed and humbled (and yes, occasionally frustrated) by this lil spitfire of a lil girl.
She is into EVERYTHING, all the time. She definitely jives with my busy life, as she is not one to like to "stay home" and chill. She thrives on being out and about. It's a good thing too-because we are busy with Sean's activities after school too and she is a trooper about being confined in the ergo during basketball games. The first game or two were pretty horrendous, she only wanted OUT and screamed loudly in protest. When I would try to let her out, she would not stay in the area where she was allowed, and tried to run on the court. It was GREAT fun (NOT!) Aftter the first two games, she got much better and happily stayed in her ergo, as long as there were snacks and cheerleaders next to us to keep her entertained. She is defintely a charmer and loves to "work the crowd" and luckily for her, all the kids are enchanted by her and the adults give her TONS of attention. It works quite well for the diva that she is. :)
She is growing, growing, growing. Her 12 month pants are becoming "high waters", and I've had to get rid of shoes that we bought in December, even though she still tries to cram her feet into them. :) She is SUCH a girly girl, and loves her bracelet, and her "girly clothes". She MOST DEFINTELY knows when she looks cute. I got her her first pair of shorts and flip flops at Target yesterday. The 18 month shorts are big in the waist (she totally is a plumber) but fit her "athletic" lil legs. She loved her flip flops, but it takes practice to learn to walk in them. :)
One of her new, rather annoying "tricks" is that she removes her shoes AND socks whenever we get into the car. She also will not stay away from the water cooler, the dog's water and food bowl, and the pantry. She is always in there dragging cans of soup out, or emptying boxes of granola bars and oatmeal. I feel like all I ever say is "No, No, No Leeza, Walk away Leeza, that's not safe Leeza, LEEZA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" It is exhausting, but on the other hand, I like her curiosity and I love to see how fast she is learning. It's SO amazing how much these children understand!! We talked to Tatiana on skype this morning and Leeza showed Tatiana her pretty bracelet, her earrings, her head, her tongue her mouth, and her Ms. America wave. It's so neat to see how excited Tatiana gets to see how the kids she helped unite with families are thriving! She said she could not believe a few months ago that Leeza did not even understand English and now she is so smart! :)
It's so funny how when I had Sean, I was fully prepared for the "rough and tumble" boy, the climbing, the into everything, etc. kind of kid. Sean was NOT that kind of a toddler. He was VERY laid back, mellow, and loved to sit and watch videos and even went to his first movie when he was 18 months. He was such an easy baby. Then..comes Leeza. She does everything that I was warned about that boys do...climbing, into EVERYTHING, won't sit still to watch any kind of video, and wants to swing HIGH and slide down huge slides. I love how brave she is, but it's rather exhausting!! I took her to a gymnastics place yesterday for an hour of "Open gym" (only $5) and she LOVED it. They had foam pits, trampolines, and all kinds of cool stuff. She was very brave and loved being thrown into the foam pit. Howevhe oer, after about 30 minutes, she had a total meltdown. She was rolling around on the floor, and screaming. It was really weird. I think she got totally overstimulated. After about 5 minutes, she wanted to be held for awhile, then she resumed playing. About 5 minutes before our hour was up, she went and got my shoes and waved bye bye, and grabbed my hand. I guess she was ready to go!
I will close with a funny video of Leeza after we put on her new outfit and her flip flops. As you can see, Miles is always close by. She drives me crazy because she constantly sneaks him food and gives him her food, and then cries for more and gets really mad when I tell her NO, stop giving it to the dog. She then WAGS her finger at Miles and tells him 'No, no, no' when SHE is the one who gives him the food.
She KILLS me. :)
Leeza is such a charmer. I think it is GREAT that she is so curious and climbing and active. In this world, that says to me that she'll compete with ANYONE. And it's impressive how she learned to be in the ergo for Sean's games - you were right on in holding that boundary and it worked. I can also see that her hair is REALLY growing now!
Are those silk pjs in the top pictures?!?!?!
She is really just so pretty! And that is excellent she is a spitfire. You already know my thoughts on that one :-)
Happy 17 mos, Leeza! We love you!!!
They really do have clear personalities, don't they!? She's a doll - and so curious and active! I love it! Those photos are GREAT! Happy month-bday Leeza!!!
Sooo cute. I love the flip flops. xoxox
She's so spunky!
Roxana always takes off her socks and shoes in the car, too. She also strips off her clothes (and diaper) in her crib, so we're often in trouble if we don't put a onesie on under her pajamas when it's time for bed.
Holy cow, those are the cutest pictures and the sweetest video! That Miss America wave cracks me up! Great jammies and new duds she is sporting.
Sounds like she and Milo will have a ball together someday. They share very similar personalities and energy levels. Milo even kicks off his socks and shoes in the car too!
Congrats on the well-deserved lemonade award! You are definitely a positive force for so many of us!
What a cute video and a cute post, also! Leeza is just getting more and more beautiful every day. It was so funny to read about the things that Leeza is getting into, because the whole time I'm thinking "Dylan is just the same!"
One of his favorite things lately is playing with the dog's bowls and transferring her food from the food bowl to the water bowl, one by one. Not so much fun for Mami or Aimee Dog!
We are actually going to open gym today for the first time. I think Dylan is going to love it too. I had us signed up for parent/tot gymastics at our park district but the class got cancelled due to low enrollment. So now open gym it is!
Happy 17 months, Leeza!
Those pink tiger pajamas are the BOMB! Ilove them! The purse, the flip flops....will the cuteness never stop....not in her lifetime, I suppose! Great pics!
well she and Sadie would get along great. Sadie is busy busy BUSY. She has nothing on the boys. Ryan was busy, but nothing like Sadie.
She gets in to everything. Like you I love her curiosity but by the end of the day or should I say naptime I'm exhausted. She fun though and she loves gymnastics too.
I always say sadie is the happiest child ever as long as she is moving!! at least that was the case before she turned 2.
Love those pajamas.
Missed the old navy sale, but hit the gymboree sale on line for a couple cute things.
Those pajamas are great!!! Happy 17 months, Leeza!
Zoe and Chengis have the same snack conspiracy going on. They are just like siblings - quick to get into trouble together and then quick to tattle on or blame the other.
Happy 17 months Leeza!!! (a little late)
Leeza sure does fit perfectly in with the Serra household. Steve and I often comment about how perfect so many adoption matches are between child and parent(s). Even when we were in the baby house it was already apparent that each family was completed just as it should be. That continues to play out time and time again. I find this so much more magical and special than biological child bonds. (not that the bio bonds aren't special of course) ... but the adoption fit really does add that component of "meant to be", especially given all of the twists and turns that most of our journeys have taken.
... anyway, I digress. Leeza you are absolutely adorable and incredibly talented. How fun to watch you grow and mature through your blog. Thank you Susan for keeping us up to date.
Big hugs to all!
[Tougy is wondering how long before she'll get to wear flip-flops too? The way this winter's going none of us should hold our breath!]
: ) KJ, Steve and Tougy
She is so pretty in pink - it's a good thing she's all girl! Well, girl with attitude! Great that she's so active and bold, I was a bit worried about Miras as he was so timid at first. But he's become a lot more self-confident but he's still pretty laid back like Sean. Though I will have to admit that I too am tired of running around after him and picking up after the Kaz tornado has come through and emptied the bookshelves, pantry, pots and pans and tupperware and now my purse and wallet!
Leeza sounds exactly like Kobe without the girly girl part. He is into everything!!!!
I never had to use safety locks on cabinets with Kylie. I told her no & she listened. Kobe just laughs at me when I say no & sometimes shakes his finger & responds with DA DA DA!
He understands everything we say. He loves being out & about. He will sit in the stroller for an hour as long as it is moving!
Happy 17th Month Birthday Leeza!!!!
Kobe turns 17 months today :)
What cute little girl!!! Miss America!!! I will have her a cute little Korean escort in a few weeks...LOL
LOVE the Video!
Happy Birthday Leeza! She is so adorable, I love her pijamas, her slippers, and her outfit, she is just perfect and she is really growing a lot. it is nice to see changes every day and get rid of old shoes and notice when the pants are too small...
She is absolutely adorable.
Yulia also feeds Max and then gets upset and she also likes to get rid of her shoes when she is in the car, and more at the day care she likes to take her clothes off.
Beautiful new pics of Miss Leeza! She is perfect for your family and she even looks a lot like Sean to me. You must see that right?
Thx for sharing her with all of us!!!
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