Thursday, August 19, 2010

Aquarium Bound! our to the Florida Aquarium in Tampa. The heat index was 112 and I needed a fun thing to do with my girl as we mourned our loss of Seanie being back at school and we needed AIR CONDITIONING!! Joe had bid on a family membership to the aquarium several months ago and I had not been since they opened and Sean was probably 3! It has changed so much and Leeza is at a GREAT age to enjoy it. I am so glad I waited because it's good for a year, and includes free parking and discounts at the restaurants and gift shop too.

We didn't even see it all, as I wanted to be a good mommy and get Leeza home for a nap before our 3:00 swimming lesson. She had a blast and didn't want to leave, but was a good sport, and no hissy fits ensued. Well, we get to the car and I put her in the car seat and realize my phone is gone. I FREAKED OUT! I had to get her back out of the car, in the stroller (in the 112 heat) and GO BACK INSIDE. Thank goodness Leeza was so sweet cuz if she had had a meltdown, I would have totally lost it cuz I HAD A MELTDOWN! We went to lost and found and no phone, we retraced our steps, no phone..and I am in panic mode. Leeza looked up at me and said "Oh Mommy, it will be ok" and she helped me look. I called Joe on a courtesy phone and of course he didn't answer as he's "balls to the wall" at work right now, but finally got a hold of my BFF Jill, who gave me AT&T's number. I was able to deactivate the phone, and we went back to the car (an hour later) There , sitting on the floor of the backseat, was mY PHONE!!
So, yeah, missed Leeza's nap time ALL FOR NAUGHT, but I was so proud of her for being such a trooper and being a great listener.

I look forward to many more aquarium trips, AND, there is a new huge Children's museum opening in Tampa the end of September, and we joined that too. I am having fun planning our non preschool days with fun activities. :)

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