Warning: I am sure this is a boring post for anyone but ME, but since it's my baby book..I had to document it while I am so proud and excited. :)
I am such a proud Mommy today I thought I better blog it now before it fades into my memory. :) I tried potty training Leeza via "the 3 day method" on May 2nd. The 3 day method has you get rid of the diapers, put on big girl panties, and don't leave the house. The premise is that you stick by their side very closely (no facebook, blogs, etc..the horror) so that you can IMMEDIATELY rush them to the potty when they start to have accidents. I really did not think it could work, as it took a lot longer to potty train Sean and he was 3 years old, but lotsa Kaz kids were having success and we were out of diapers, so I thought we'd give it "the ole college try."
The 3 day lady also says that ALL kids are ready at 22 months (Leeza was 19 months)..and it could take longer if your child is younger...but it could be done, but that your child should be waking up dry. Leeza wears Huggies Overnight diapers so that tells you she doesn't wake up dry...but I wanted to try. After cleaning up puddle, after puddle, after puddle, after puddle, after puddle, I knew the 3 day was not our golden ticket. I bought some pull ups and some books on how cool it was to go on the potty, and we kept at it, sans the puddles. Something must have clicked during those 3 days, as Leeza started telling me when she had to go. She never had any more "#2 accidents" but she had lots of piddles.
So..here we are, exactly 3 weeks after starting "the program" and we had some MAJOR MILESTONES today and yesterday. She told me this morning she had to "poo poo" (she calls everything poo poo, doesn't matter if it's pee ..it's all poo poo to her) and I said, OK, LET'S RUN TO THE POTTY..HURRY HURRY!!" Low and behold..she was still DRY and she peed in her potty. I was encouraged!!! We had a couple more incidents like that and I thought..could it be..is she starting to get it??
We spent a couple hours at our new IKEA store in Tampa (what a cool store that is!) where Leeza happily rode in mommy's ergo while we toured the massive facility all the while with Daddy's sarcastic comments that he felt like we were in an amusement park. We got some fun new bath mats for the bathroom, and a cool fish mat, and a new shower curtain liner, and Leeza picked out a soft plush blue and white soccer ball. :) Anyway-after that, we picked up dinner for Joe's parents at Beef O Brady's and Leeza told me she had to go. Leeza and I hung out in the parking lot of Beef O Brady's and Leeza totally had potty success! Her pull up was just barely wet..and that was after close to 3 hours in the car to and from Tampa and at Ikea!
The look on her face when she peed on the potty was just priceless. She was SO PROUD! Big Kudos to the travel potty and the iphone for capturing this moment for eternity. (It was the first picture I posted)
Here was her face when I told her I was posting it to facebook...
Honestly, I was a pretty proud momma when that happened..but IT JUST GETS BETTER! We were on a walk when we got home and she tells me "Momma Poo Poo" so we had to cut our walk short (darn it!) and we came home where she peed like a good girl.
THEN-after bath, I was letting her run around naked while I was checking on some emails. She was running around pushing her stroller and then I didn't see her anymore. I IMMEDIATELY got up to find her because her new favorite thing is unraveling all the toilet paper and dumping it in the potty. I call her name and she comes out of the bathroom...all smiles. I am thinking.."Oh, no, she did it again...the toilet paper is a GONER...." but no!!
She sat on the potty and did her business (#1 and #2-sorry to be graphic but you know she will love reading this some day...) ALL BY HERSELF. She didn't call for us, she didn't JUST GO ON THE FLOOR (THAT IS HUGE!!!), BUT she went in and did her business like a BIG GIRL SHOULD!
Maybe, just maybe, after we run out of pull ups we can try the big girl panties again. Something has DEFINTELY clicked with her and I am SO PROUD OF MY LIL GIRL!
Next step is trying to eliminate the "big potty" anxiety. She can't go on the big potty..she doesn't cry anymore, but she just.can't.go. I got a really cool lil foldable seat with flaps and handles from Onestepahead.com that is shipping to us, I am hoping that will help. But hey..ONE STEP AT A TIME!
I'm a very very proud and happy mommy. I made up some crazy potty songs and did all kinds of cheers tonight. Leeza was eatin it up...but I also saw a glint in her eye where was she so thinking..."My mom is SO BIZARRE"....
Oh..check out her fun new bow..It's a purse! with bling!! for my Lil Miss Thing!!
Yay for Leeza going potty now! So it really happens huh? Guess I better invest in a travel potty and get myself geared up for this. She's way ahead of Lindsay. Maybe she needs to visit us and model appropiate potty usage for Lindsay! Ha! So glad for you too as I know it is a huge relief to you.
Yay Leeza! She's such a cute and smart little girl. I keep looking for signs that Brady is ready to start potty training, but who am I kidding? He's not even close!
You should be a proud mama! Go Leeza go!
I love Sean's haircut.
Yay Leeza!!!! And Yay Tampa for getting an Ikea!!! I could spend days there. Easy to do since it takes days just to get through the showroom. Ikea was my very first stop after dropping Julian and Zoe off at the airport a couple weeks ago. It's an amusement park for mommies!
Well, you know you're a parent when you are celebrating "poo-poo" as long as it happens in the right place! I am envious - we aren't even considering it until after the Summer. Then I gotta check out that 3-day book.
P.S. LOVE Sean's new do. Very handsome! And Leeza is a natural at the salon. You'll be having Moommy-Daughter spa nights soon enough!
P.P.S. Sorry about the lack of communication - we've been super busy. I'm looking forward to the lazy days of Summer. Yah, right!
That's so awesome!! She's getting to be quite the big, beautiful girl! That's really impressive that she did 1 and 2 all by herself without calling to you!
P.S. I LOVE Ikea!! :-)
What an amazing little girly you have! I bet she will be in big girl panties before Kazapalooza!
I remember when Nick had big potty anxiety in Kaz and we had to do all sorts of exciting things to get him ready for the airplane ride and airport. Once we got home, he still liked the cushion potty rings from Target but he has now FINALLY given those up too! It's all a potty journey, isn't it! :)
Go Leeza. What a rock star. Our '3-day' won't happen until after we return from Kazapalooza, but we are certainly getting Tougy excited about wearing 'big girl underpants'. See you all soon.
Way to go, Leeza! She's brilliant! And, ever so adorable while sitting on her travel potty. She is such a rock star! Hey, do you think she would mind potty training Max while we're in Nashville? :-)
That first pic is PRICELESS! YEAH Leeza and Susan for making it through potty training 101!!!!...and looking good while doing it!
Speaking of looking good... Gotta love the bow! You are an awesome shopper... you should make a career out of it!!
yay Leeza! And way to go Susan, I would have given up. :) It's incredible that she is using the potty at her age, awesome!
And I love her bow!! You will have to send your fav. links to me. ;) Or open a ebay store for all her outgrown clothes. Leeza is always so adorable!
Sean looks so handsome! Love the new haircut. :)
Congrats!!!! Yay for potty training success. I cannot wait to meet your little princess!!!
Yay Leeza!!! I'm impressed - asking to go potty outside of the house is huge!! I'm proud of you, too, Leeza!!
PS - Sean's new cut is cute :)
potty potty potty...that bow is rockin! We can't hold a candle to the Serra girls.
Unbelievable! She went in the bathroom BY HERSELF! How in the world did you do this! I mean she is not even 2!
What a big girl Leeza is becoming!!!!
Kobe isn't one bit interested in using the potty. Once we got home from Kaz he wouldn't sit still long enough & I wasn't going to tie him to it.
I wished we lived closer so we could enjoy the beach together with our Kaz cuties!!!!
She looks very cute :-) Congratulations on successful potty training :-)
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