I am SO very sorry I have been such a SLACKER BLOGGER lately! But, rest assured, I have been a productive girl in my time away.
Last time I posted, I was a mess!! I was a tad freaked out, and felt pulled in every direction! However, I am happy to report that I am doing MUCH MUCH better now. I attribute this new found "peacefulness" to a couple mitigating factors. Factor number 1 is that my apostilled dossier #2 is now safely in my coordinator's hands and she told me it was "perfect", AND we have our visa's!!! I went to the bank today and drove away with thousands and thousands of dollars of cash. That was pretty surreal!! I started packing (baby stuff only and apartment stuff, and entertainment stuff for the family) AND, I had the MOST WONDERFUL VACATION EVER with my most hospitable Aunt Jane and "Uncle Hunk" who hosted my grandmother, Sean and I, and my sister Stacey and her 2 darling sons, Jan (age 7) and Will (age 3 1/2) in their lovely home in Oakland, California and their beach home in Bodega Bay.
Back when I was in 7th grade, "Hunk" was THE WORD used to describe cute boys. I thought my Uncle Bernie was SO COOL! Not only is he an amazing father, but he is also SO CUTE and so fit. He was just always so nice to us, and his own kids (my cousins) that I just called him Uncle Hunk and the name has stuck. :) My aunt Jane is my mom's younger sister and she is the COOLEST lady ever. She and my grandma (My mom's mom) are the two talented ladies who designed and made the quilt for Baby Kaz that was posted on my blog a while back. I am so lucky to have them in my life. :)
Sean got to spend 2 nights with his big brother Joey and even got to go to school with Joey (he is a summer school principal) and had a great time. I was finally able to relax, get plenty of sleep, eat lots of fantastic sour dough bread, and drink some good wine!! We really did miss Daddy (and Miles) though...but he has to work so he can get some time off to go to Kaz, after all! We called him and talked him on Skype everyday though!! We were spoiled with temps in the 60's (PERFECT RUNNING WEATHER!!) and numbing cold water, but I played in the ocean with my nephew anyway because I am COOL AUNT SUSAN after all! Sean and I stayed 2 nights in Dallas with my parents on the way home, where Sean got to see his 2 other cousins, Giulia (age 10) and Georgia (age 8) and even put up with them "dressing him up".
He is going to be a pretty cute big brother. He would have a fit if he KNEW I posted the pictures, so I may have to delete them but I was in hysterics watching the girls "fix him up". He really needs a haircut right now, and he will have one before we go to Kaz.
Our official departure date is still TBD, we should know more next week as to the day we are allowed to go to the babyhouse. I will update that when I know more!!
Wekcome back lady - the pictures are awesome & it looks like a good time was had by all and glad to hear you are now feeling better and not so over stressed!!
Yay!!! So glad you're back Susan! Your time away sounds like it was GREAT and just what you needed before your travel begins. Wishing all the best for you. Have fun packing! Hoping you get your travel dates soon.
I'm glad you've been having fun! Sean looks like he has been, too, even if he won't admit it.
Good to see you are back to blogging! We missed ya! It is great that you could have a fun get away before Kaz and I am glad you dossier is safely where it suppose to be. Now all we gotta do it wait... ugh..that will hard but we'll make it. Sean looks pretty cute I mean cool by the way! Gena
Glad to see you are hanging in there and getting ready for the big adventure. What a great vacation! Sean will be a great brother with such a great ability to be silly!
HOw exciting...is shawn going with you>???
OMG those pictures of Sean dressing up are hysterical. What a trooper he is!!!! And what an amazing big brother he'll be.
Yaaay on achieving the perfect dossier. And triple yaaay on getting your Visas. Surreal is exactly how you'll feel walking the streets of Kaz with money belts stuffed with hundred dollar bills. You're so on your way!!!!
Can't wait for the fun to really begin.
You're almost there!
Mmmm, sour dough bread, Chris would be jealous. Glad your vacation was RELAXING. Love the pics. You and your sister are pretty mamas. Sean is hilarious in those pics. He WILL kill you if he sees them. Too funny. Hope you get good news soon and get over here before I leave. Then we'll go out dancing to some Kazakh songs.
So glad you had such a great vacation. The photos are great. Sean IS going to be a great, great big brother . . . if he allowed his cousions to dress him up so beautifully, imagine what he will do for Baby Kaz! And, it sounds like you are making progress on getting ready to go.
So . . . we will be there in August TOO! We have our travel dates!!!! Can you believe it? We started this journey together and now we are ending it together!
You posted some great photos!!! Sure looks like you had fun. Does Sean know you posted those photos? Cute!
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