Yes sir reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............We got ourselves a date!!!
August 5th is the day we get to meet "Baby Kaz!!"
I was in Babies R Us of all places with Sean (bored stiff) and Karen and Ryan (my lil buddy) when I felt my phone vibrate. It was a message from Donna, my coordinator telling me that WE HAVE OUR DATE!
I have NO information on WHO it is we are meeting on August 5th though....so, you will all have to wait with US to find out if Sean will have a lil brother, or a lil sister--it's kind of exciting!!!
There will be 3 other families with my agency there at the same time as we are, so that is fun! I am excited to have other families there-it sounds like it will make it more fun.
Plus, Tricia is still there so I am excited to see her too.
I still need to figure out our flights. I had made tentative plans to fly out July 31st, arriving August 2nd. But, that was before we had our "blind date" to meet Baby Kaz on the 5th, and before my Dad offered to share his miles with us. So, I have some work to do about that. I would like to arrive on the 4th I think..but can't take a chance of missing any flights or anything. Since our LOI is for August 1st, at least we have the option to arrive in plenty of time before our "blind date" date to meet Baby Kaz on the 5th!!
Joe, Sean and I are traveling and are all planning on staying thru court, which has been averaging 6-7 weeks. Then, the plan is to head home, and I will come back in about 5 weeks to bring home Baby Kaz. I will either be traveling with Joe, or perhaps a friend of mine may accompany me instead. We'll be playing that by ear. I don't want to do it by myself, so we'll see who gets to come with!!
School starts August 20th, so Sean will miss a couple weeks, but the beginning of the year is the best time to miss. I have a few games packed, and TONS and TONS of movies...we raided my dad's movie library. I have 2 seasons of Friends, West Wing, Ally McBeal, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Andy Griffin series, Popeye, Felix the Cat, Beverly Hillbillies, just to name a few. I think we'll have enough to keep us busy, plus the other families. Tricia has been telling me all the fun things to do, so Sean is pretty excited. We'll see how bad he gets on my nerves for 6 weeks. :)
He is very "pre-teenish" these days. We went for his yearly checkup and he is 90 lbs! He no longer orders off the "kids menu" and he likes to sit in the front seat. Good thing I'm getting a youngin' cuz it's making me sad watchin my "baby" grow up!
Wow..I can't believe we have a date. August 5th it is!!!
That's awesome! I can't wait to follow along ;-) I wonder if I'll be buying you something blue or something pink?????????????????
Awesome news! Congrats on getting your travel dates. Can't wait to follow you to Kaz!!
Fantastic news! Glad to see things are moving forward. Get those reservations made because you gotta a plane to catch!
Mom to Izaak and Aaliya
OMGosh! congrats! I'm SOooooOOO excited for you! That's soon. Get packing!
Yay, August 5th! It looks like you guys had a great time in SF. You are weeks away!!
YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to meet baby kaz!! I feel like we have been waiting for ever for you to travel and now it is so surreal!! YAY!! Kazakhstan her you come, watch out I am sure it will never be the sme. Have a beer for me!! And hey on your second trip you have to bring a box of donations from Two Hearts!!
Wos....this is very exciting news!! I know you've been stressing out and this was just the news you needed. Well you know we'll be watching you in Kaz. Can't wait to find out if you have a boy or girl - his/her name, etc. Oh and photos, photos, photos!!
I am so excited to see you, Joe, and Sean too! How awesome that your time is finally here. I keep wondering which kiddie will be yours. Have I met him or her yet? Will it be one in Rustam's group? I can't wait to find out! They are all so beautiful and sweet. Make sure you get here a little ahead of time in case of any delays (with the way the system works here) and you are the first one in the door on the 5th. Good luck with your preparations.
WOW - August 5th - that's so soon! We couldn't be happier for you and can't wait to meet the new baby(ies). :-)
Tina & Brody
Super great news and yes you guys are so prepared I feel like such a slacker - we received our LOI and are just waiting on the exact date to travel but it will be around the 20th...........getting back to the slacker part - when I read how everyone is so ready to go I think wow I didn't even get my suitcases down - I just giggled as I typed that sentence b/c I know most blog readers must really think I'm insane however I must admit I am playing it close to the vest with things as I am still in the disbelief mode and am just being very cautious I'll probaly end up packing the day before we leave LOL!!
Back to you guys I am so excited for you guys and can't wait to read all about your journey - yeah August 5 is right around the corner!!!
Congrats on your LOI date! That is so exciting!
Just one small thing...you might want to check with your case manager, but when it was our turn to travel we were told we couldn't enter the country before our LOI date, so you might not be able to arrive on the 4th. That was back in February, thought, and you know how quickly things change with international adoptions. In any case, you will be there meeting baby Kaz very, very soon!!!!!!!!
Woo-hoo!! Your blind date is all set! I'm so excited for you! I'll be checking your blog to see who will be joining your family!
WOOHOOOOOOO!!!! You are going to be a mommy again soooo soon!!!!!! This is so exciting!!! YAY!!!!!
Fantastic news indeed! Man I wish you were coming to Aktobe, but I'm just glad you're coming here!!! I can't wait to see a happy ending for you ... or rather a happy beginning!
Oooooh, this is exciting!
Yea! I can't wait!
So Happy and excited for you!!
Yippee!!!! How wonderful and exciting! I love that you have called it a blind date. That is so true!
Things sure are hoppin' lately!
Congratluations on finally receiving a solid travel date. I hope you get things taken care of so you arrive in plenty of time to meet baby kaz.
I'm ready to follow along on your journey.
YEAH -- Aug 5th. I am so excited for you! Nice to know you got some miles now...hopefully that will bring the cost down.
Wooooohoooooo!!! So exciting seeing families I have been watching getting ready to travel!!! Enjoy the juice!!!! And the adoption too. Enjoy that part too!! ; )
I've got my pom-poms all ready to cheer you on. Finally, we get to do it for you--so exciting!!! I bet Sean is beyond excited. (Perhaps he's even composing a poem as we speak.) Sean: you're about to become a big brother. Yaay!!!
Hey Girl,
I'm gonna have to figure out how to change my post name on here to "Aunt Mam"....hee hee... OOPS!! Now how do I know you're gonna email me with instructions??
I can't tell you how exciting it is for me to be a part of YOUR celebration ALSO!! I sit here & reminisce how Trish tried to explain to me(& yet was still puzzled with) her "compulsion" to forward that email I sent her to YOU!! Hmmmmmm........
DELAY IS NOT DENIAL, soon became both of your mantras!! What a gift from the Spirit for us all!!
AND forgive me for using YOUR space, to tell all the bloggers how wonderful it is to witness such a loving & caring community you got going. All the words of encouragement & sharing one another's joy is just SO heartwarming!!! I mentioned it to Trish when we spoke & she too is overwhelmed by everyone's diligence, sense of companionship, & caring nature. You gotta admit, she's sure keeping us entertained!!
Susan, I must say, I can't wait till I witness my pastor coming down the aisle with a photo of "YOUR BABY" for all the congregation to cheer!! Yes, I've got them all onboard....along with anyone else who'll listen to me!!
AND... until you depart, remember,
"GOD'S CALLING"!!!! Maybe you & Trish will get to share a reading while you're together...remember..."Whenever two or more of you gather in My name, I am with you also"! Can't WAIT to see what He'll come up with for you both on THAT day... AND (I'm reading your mind here, my OTHER impulsive child) DO NOT look ahead & speculate!! Let Him surprise you!! PROMISE?? OKAY!!
Aunt Mam :-)
PS. NOW, when you two get to toast with that beer? THEN "I" will be with you also!!! HEE HEE (glad God has a sense of humor)
What great news! I am so happy for you!
That's great! I'll bet you are now counting the milliseconds!
P.S. There is something to arriving a day early... It is a really long and hard trip (I was so exhausted when we finally arrived in Semey and then we were whisked off to meet our child - I could barely speak a coherent sentence at that point).
So happy you know/have everything now! Only a few more weeks and you will be in Kostanai. You are lucky to have so much company!
I am starting to freak out a lot.
It's such great news that you have your date! We're so happy for you! It'll be great to be there with other families, I'm sure.
We'll be thinking of you, following along, and looking forward to your posts! And remember Psalms 139!
Best wishes,
Lisa and Corey
WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!! HOORAYYYYY!!!! THIS IS SOOOO EXCITING!!!! It's happening soooooo sooon!!!!!! xoxoxo
yahooo... wonderful news. I have been away and came back to good news from a few fellow bloggers. I am very happy for you. I hope your blind date goes better than any ever could.
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