I LOVE to travel, especially preparing to travel for the trip of a lifetime...to meet our beloved "Baby Kaz",but, I have to say, I HATE PACKING! I am not a very good packer,either. I am always the one who packs way too much, and agonizes over every outfit. It cracks me up, because I take no time deciding what to wear on a day to day basis. I haven't even started on my wardrobe yet--that is reserved for this weekend where it will no doubt take me all day. The "pandemonium" you see in the pictures is Baby Kaz's room-with the toys, gifts, kitchen stuff, carry on stuff, etc that we need to somehow find homes for. We did start packing Sean's stuff today. I tell you, age 10, is totally "pre-teen". He is kinda "high maintence" for a boy. His shorts cannot show his knees, and his SOCKS CANNOT SHOW! I just bought him 8 pairs of new socks last week. We can only find 5. Where do the socks go???? One good thing, while cleaning out his sock drawer and getting rid of the tons of socks he refuses to wear because "they show", we found his old Nintendo DS. We looked high and low for it, but never found it. So, we felt we could not endure all the flights to Kaz and 6 to 7 weeks in Kaz without his electronic buddy. So, I bought him another one 2 weeks ago. I guess I should have cleaned out his sock drawer weeks ago.... In fact,I should be packing NOW, but, nope, I am blogging instead, because, frankly, it's more fun. :) I had another task to do when we returned home from YET more errands today....rebook some flights I had just booked 2 days ago. We got some EXCITING NEWS TODAY-we can MEET BABY KAZ ON AUGUST 1ST NOW!! So, no need to wait until the 5th anymore. Remarkalby, the change in flights was incredibly easy. In fact, even saved us money. You know me and my "signs", I just think God is sending me another message to CHILL out, that he has Baby Kaz picked out for us and I can stop worrying already. So, no overnight stay in Frankfurt, just 6 1/2 hour layover, then we're off to Astana. We arrive in Astana at 5:45 am, on August 1st, and then are whisked off to Kostanai at 9:50, to arrive in Kostanai at 11:35. So much for resting before we make the most important decision in our lives...BUT HEY, WHO NEEDS REST? :) I am so blessed that this is all working out-of course I know it has NOTHING to do with any kind of coinsidence...God is defintely good. Even Eldo (LOVE ELDO AT Golden Rule Travel..he is BEYOND COOL!!) told me that we were defintely LUCKY to be able to use my dad's miles. He says it's hard to make it work out. In fact, using my Dad's miles MADE IT WORK OUT! Previously, I tried to get to Kostanai on August 1st and it did not work out-because I could not arrive BEFORE August 1st since our LOI was FOR THE FIRST! However, using my dad's miles,we had to leave a day earlier from Tampa and endure many more layovers. "Sign, sign, everywhere a sign...blockin up the scenery, changing mind"...
Last, but not least, check out Sean's stylin court duds. I found these pants at Wal-Mart (of all places, I never shop there) for $13,and the shirt and tie combo (clip on baby) for $11. I think he looks pretty darn handsome.:) However, he WILL be getting a haircut on Saturday..don't worry. His hair is awful right now.
I can't believe you are leaving so soon. It's such a long, long wait and then suddenly you're gone. I'm not finding as much time to blog as I used to (understatement of the year), but I will definitely be following your trip!
Counting the days with you!
Holy Pandemonium is right! Boy how I remember that craziness, but luckily I didn't have a pre-teen that couldn't show his socks to pack for. :) Seriously when you get to Kaz, you won't care that much about what clothes you brought. Just bring 7-10 shirts so you can change up your outfits a bit. Bring items that are easily washable and comfortable. Comfort is #1!
I just can't believe that you are leaving next week! Signs are for real Miss Susan! Listen to those signs and see them for what they are! :)
xoxo & Happy Packing Pandemonium style!
Wow! August 1st - that's great news!! We are so happy for you!
We had some problems booking our flights from a travel agent that was recommended by our agency. I had heard that Eldo was good so I decided to give him a call. Within 10 minutes, he had a flight reserved and saved us $1,200!! ELDO ROCKS!!
Sean looks pretty snappy all dressed up! The video was great!
Good luck!
Sean is one well dressed kid. He looks great. Wow so happy that everything is falling in line. I will anxiously be awaiting your meeting on the 1st, I am thrilled the date was moved up.
7 Days to BabyKaz.. Yahoo
Yaay—we get to cheer the cheerleader. Ditto on Christy's words—you won't care about the clothes. There's just too many other things to think about.
This time it was me who had the dream. Last night I dreamt you and I were at a adoption seminar and we got stuck in an elevator. While waiting to be rescued, you told me that I had written something in my blog that offended you (even though I said I asked for your permission prior to posting it)—then I woke up. Weird, huh?
Happy packing,
Awesome! I can't wait to read your posts once you are over there. I imagine you will have us all in tears. :) Sean looks super cool, of course.
Unfortunately, I am the one teaching the babies the sarcastic comments and eye rolls. I am such a bad example. LOL!
Yeah, holy pandemonium is definitely right! I was trying to figure out what was going on in those pics to tell you what to eliminate, but I couldn't even tell what anything was!!! So I know everyone has said it, and I know you don't really believe it, but you really do not need much in the way of clothes. Lay out whatever you want to bring and then cut it in half. If there is anything you had your heart set on wearing (ie. your beaded tank top for Sean's field trip) bring it, otherwise you'll be sad. But aside from a few of those things, just bring essentials.
As you know, I cannot wait for 8.1.08!!!! And yes, Sean does look quite handsome!
Happy packing!
The countdown begins, and packing IS a pain. Don't worry about your wardrobe, it's amazing how little you need ;-)
I certainly can appreciate the "packing mess" as mine is pretty similiar although I still haven't taken down the suitcases - so how sad am I!!!
I can only say that at this time it all seems like complete craziness - when we say it out loud we both say - I can't believe were going to Kaz!!
Get packing lady I am so looking forward to 8-1-08 - you have no idea!!
What a handsome kid!
I just had the thought as I was reading this post and last post, that I remember waking up on New Years Day with my very first thought being, "This is the year Susan will meet her child." And here you are! Amazing.
I think each post gets more and more energized. We have GOT to get you over there before you explode!! :-)
Wow! This is all so exciting. Sean looks very handsome (and has a pretty good voice, too). Good luck with all of the packing. Remember...God will provide. :-)
So Excited for you Susan! Yours was one of the first Kaz blogs I ever read and it's so neat that you're now getting to the REALLY fun part of this journey. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers for an easy trip with no lost luggage! Can't wait to read that you have met baby Kaz!!!
Best wishes,
How great that you get to meet Baby Kaz in less than a week!!!!! I guess you're not coming through Chicago now? I wouldn't have been able to meet up anyway, unfortunately. We live in the suburbs and it's a bit of a trek to go downtown, especially with Dylan having a bad cold. Maybe of your way back, though, if you have a long layover again!
PACKING - AHHHHHHH! I too love to travel but hate to pack. I am not a quick decider. I have exactly one outfit packed in our bag. I guess I can put the stacking cups & Clif bars in too.
Sean looks very spiffy! Professional is a good look for him. And, amazing performance - how is he so well-versed in 70s pop music, Susan? Yes, Baby Kaz will LOVE brother Sean.
Love seeing days on your counter/ticker instead of weeks! We will all be so excited to follow your journey. Good Luck packing. I bought some clothes for myself at Wal-Mart for comfort and then just left them in Kaz after wearing over and over.... left more room for Nick's stuff.
Sean is o handsome and such a Ham!
That dapper looking son of yours will be a trump card in the court room!
I'm so excited that we are going to be in-country at the same time!!! Too bad we're not in the same city.
Take half the clothes you think you will need, and try to make most of them match so you can mix them up. Your space is much better spent making sure you have all the right necessities. Cotton is best, and comfort is key!
I am incredibly excited for you girl! Let's get ready to rumble!
Wow! I what a mess but where there's a will there's a way and I am sure you will get it all in somehow. I'm digging Sean's court clothes, he looks dashing!!I can't wait until Aug 1, best wishes and safe travels! Gena
Wow, I can't believe you're going to meet your little one so soon! It's so nice that you already "know" the families that will be in Kostanai with you! Hope your trip is comfortable, safe, and uneventful!
Sorry that all of my random thoughts have exclamation points! I'm just so very excited for y'all!!
WOW!! August first is a week away!! I seriously cannot wait!! Stay calm, take it all in....thinking of you often.
Wow - you are just about outta here! While you say pandamonium - it sounds like the planets are aligning quite nicely for your trip.
And, remember to take only half of what you need... Yea, right.
That looks like a teenagers room! Ask me about the kitchen stuff, I might be able to save you some room. Sean is so cute. You will be in Kostanai in 5 days!!! Yey!
Sean: You Rock, Baby Kaz is one luck baby to have such an entertaining big brother!!
Wow!!! It's happening so soon! I've been checking every couple of hours this weekend to see if there is an update, and I just noticed all the cool info you have on the side bar. Great place to put it!!! How are you hanging in there? Going crazy yet, or all set and ready to go and totally zen'd out? :-)
So excited for you!
Of course when we go away on a short trip....we missed the big news that you're leaving earlier. Woo Hoo!!!
What a crazy happy moment for you guys.
We are looking forward to following along - still can't believe you're leaving very soon :)
While you're packing....I need to unpack and do laundry.
Waiting on pins & needles,
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a packing photo like yours ;) Make sure you have your passports now - I forgot where I 'hid' them the night before we left :)
We ended up going to the BH the day we arrived since we missed one of our flights. Your adrenaline will keep you going on August 1 :)
So very excited that this day is coming for you all!!!!! Thank you for letting us follow your journey to Kostonai!!!
OMG it's the WEEK you are leaving! We are so so so excited for you! Did you pack your things yet?! That is so awesome that you could use miles. As you know, we had no such luck. It was so fun to cross out "Susan in Kaz" in my calendar on the 5th and re-write it on the 1st. I am getting my comments ready! LOL! It's finally your turn girlfriend, and I have a feeling you'll be able to hear all of us cheering for you from the other side of the world. Now finish packing! :-)
How thoughtful of you, to take the time out of your hectic preparation schedule,to send me a thank you card for your companion (God Calling) and the placque. That just goes to show how deserving you are of all the good things God wants for us!
Please be sure to give my beloved Tricia BIG HUGS and THE infamous "Mam Mam kisses" to my precious Rustam.........all over his adorable face....please!!!
AND, don't forget that TOAST I requested!!
Prayers for a safe journey....I am sending the angels to accompany you!
Sean is one good-lookin' big brother in his court duds!
Wow. I'm not sure if you are on your way yet. I finally have internet and am trying to catch up with the world. Pandemonium is right. Packing for this trip is quite an experience, but the best is yet to come.
I can't wait until you meet your Baby
Wahoo i am IN!!!!
I am so excited for you Chickpea!!!
Sean is hilarious! Will and Jan loved his performance. More!
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