Meeting Leeza for the first time, August 1, 2008. She was just 5 days shy of 11 months old!
Wow...I can't believe it! It was a year ago today that we flew into Kostanai, and drove straight to the hotel to drop off our luggage, then straight to the custody officer to get the papers we needed for the baby house, and we met Leeza! I was smelly, stinky, and exhausted after a looooooooooooong few flights, but SO anxious to meet our "Baby Kaz." We had no idea who she (or he) would be, although my case manager did tell me there was a girl available and she was caucasian, but we all know that can change! It was so surreal sitting in Dr. Irina's office and hearing about the adoption process. They told us about 3 children who were available, but we only wanted to meet Ms. Leeza. They brought her in, this super WHITE baby girl, with 3 blue dots on her forehead (for bug bites), and a scratchy dress. They handed her to me and she started bawling! Poor baby! She was probably thinking "this lady needs a freakin shower!" However, after singing "Jesus loves me" in her ear and letting her play with my necklace....the rest, as they say, WAS HISTORY!
It was definitely love at first sight for all of us. She was such a sweet baby, and it took her awhile to open up and show us what she could do. Of course, a year is a looong time in baby life, especially in the rapid developmental years from 11 months to 22 months, but it's so amazing to witness the changes in Leeza. She always had pretty baby blues--but they didn't have the sparkle they have now. She was always a pretty happy go lucky baby-but not nearly as happy and funny as she is now. All of us have been blessed by her presence in our lives! I was looking back on our first bonding day pictures with a happy heart. We had to wait a long time to meet Leeza-but I wouldn't change ONE.SINGLE.THING because she is DEFINTELY the girl that was meant for us.
Thank you God!
We are spending the day doing fun Leeza stuff. My day started off EARLY, at 4:45 am, to do a training walk of 11 miles for the 3 day, 60 mile breast cancer walk I'm walking with the fabulous "Kaz Mama" team in Arizona Nov 13-15th. It was appropriate that I started our anniversary day of meeting Leeza this way because it wasn't for Leeza, I would have never met these fabulous women. I really had NO idea that not only would we gain another blessing in the form of a child, but that I'd also gain an entire new set of friends. It's really unbelievable and I feel so incredibly grateful for these wonderful friendships we've formed!
After I got home, we headed to Largo park, to ride the train. It runs the first full weekend of each month. I used to take Sean (my Thomas the Train FREAK!) when he was little too so it's fun how it all comes full circle. :) We rode the train twice, then stayed and sweated our pa-tooties off at the park. It was SO hot!!
Sweet Leeza is now napping-and I am blogging, before we go to friends tonight to barbecue and play with them. They have a baby on the way and a very cute lil 3 year old boy that Leeza will have fun with (well, at least his toys!)
What a blessed year it's been..I feel very very thankful. :)
Here are few pics from the park/train outing...sweating....
What a year it's been—to be able to watch Miss Leeza grow and thrive (and become an Olympic hopeful, watch out Mr. Phelps) has been incredibly amazing. This girl is truly loved (it's no wonder her eyes sparkle). Happy Meetcha Day—why it seems like only yesterday.
I am amazed that it has been a year. An amazing, awesome year for you guys. Leeza has the sparkle in her eyes that could light up the world. She is so happy and funny and sweet. I love being able to see how much she has changed and how much life at home fits her to a tee.
Leeza- Happy 1st Meetcha Day, may the rest of your days be filled with happy memories and lots of love.
Sandi xoxo
Beautiful Daughter!
Beautiful Mama!
Beautiful Family!
Happy Anniversary!
You are lucky lucky little girl to have such an amazing family that loves and adores you so much!
Happy Happy 1st Meetcha Day to Leeza and wonderful family!
It brought tears to my eyes to read back on all your first memories and how it was love at first sight. So sweet!
Wow a full year! Happy Anniversary. It's fun watching her grow! Thank you for blogging all the time.
Hopefully our time will come sometime between December and March 2010. God knows and thats all that matters.
Have a great day!!!!!!
Blessings to your entire family.
It's been so great watching Leeza grow and change over the past year. What a beautiful, spirited girl she is. She fits right in with the rest of her wonderful family!
Happy One year anniversary. She has changed a lot, the spark in her eye and of course the lenght of her hair, smile.
Wow, I've never really thought about all that we would know if it weren't for Sadie, simply what we have because of her, but when you look at it, like what we wouldn't have, wow, how bleak life would be. Of course we wouldn't know it, but yes it would be bleak. Kaz has filled our lives in more ways we could ever have imagined.
Proud of you for getting up a 4:30 to go on your training walk. You getting up and training at 4:30 and Lori's torturous blisters are motivating me to get my walk on.
Your day looked like a great one and I especially love the pictures with Sean on the slide with Leeza.
Ok, I am feeling really emotional reading this, looking at the old and new photos, and thinking back to last year in Kostanai where I got to witness some of your journey. Maybe it is also the fact that I just came home from a gathering of 5 families formed in Kostanai and all back in PA. It is so wonderful to see all of the children here, so healthy, so happy, with parents that love them to pieces, and happily playing together.
Leeza was always special, but it is still so heart warming to see how she has transformed with the love of your family. I makes me sad thinking of the children that stay at the baby house and don't get to go home with a family to experience this love.
Happy happy meeting day! What joy Leeza has brought to your family!
Oh my goodness, what a difference a year makes (for all of you)! Happy anniversary
Wow I cannot believe it has already been a year for you! Leeza is such a beautiful and amazing little girl. She just shines in all her pictures. You have a beautiful family Susan!
Happy Meetcha Anniversary, Leeza Grace!!! Looks like you all had a great day together!
Seems like it was yesterday I was watching your journey year later and yes we are all so blessed........Congrats Leeza, Susan, Joe & Sean!!
Happy 1 year Meetcha anniversary!! On one hand she looks exactly the same, on the other, she looks completely different. Amazing how that happens!
And amazing how fast the time goes by- oh my!
I can't believe it's been a whole year already! Congrats!
BEAUTIFUL... this is the stuff that keeps me working -- I remember when those first pics came thru on my work email and thinking "this is it for them"... and if it feels like yesterday for me, I can only imagine for them... Leeza is incredible, as are her mom, dad, and big brother -- this little girl has grown into an incredibly gorgeous flower.... well loved, nurtured, and given every ounce of support and encouragement as any one could possibly give -- just so happy for you -- imagine how quickly the years will keep going? it's been a joy - THANK YOU for sharing your year with us!!! looking forward to continuing to watch the amazing life of Leeza and hope to meet you IRL soon :)
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