Monday, August 31, 2009

Elmo reads the Silly Snack Sesame Book

She's just so cute I can't deal. :)


Amy, Jeff, LM, SC, & Ashton said...

oh my gosh. i will officially go to bed laughing hilariously. as one of my friends sent me in a card "LOLIAPAL" (figure that out and you win a prize)... how stinking cute is that outfit??? thank you for sharing the joy and sillies! !!!

Kim said...


Lori @ Five of My Own said...

LMAO OUT LOAD AT WORK!!!! this Elmo kick is a riot!

Kristan and Mark said...

Could she be any more adorable~! Seriously!

Karen, Glenn, Allie, Max, and Sam said...

So hilarious! So funny as she looks down and her face disappears and you really do have ELMO sitting on your couch! I can't deal either -- it is just sooooooo cute!