Lil Leeza is 19 months old today!
I think the funniest "new" thing she has been doing is her "shoulder shrug" when you ask her something she doesn't know. It cracks me up. Her newest animal sound is what the donkey says. It's pretty cute! I would have never thought of that animal,but she learned it at Kindermusic. She is really enjoying her Kindermusic class. They are having a "summer camp" for a week this summer and we are defintely doing it because she seems to not only have fun, but she learns a lot! She also had her first "ocean swim" when we went boating yesterday. It was so hot out but the water WAS FREEZING (78 degrees) but she LOVED the water and floating in her life jacket!
As each month goes by, it's so fun to watch her develop more and more confidence. We went to the park today, and she was off on her own, down the big slides, with no fear whatsoever. She had an audience of 3 ladies who were just all "a dither" about how fearless she was. It's so fun to watch her grow and get braver and more comfortable on all the "big kid" playground equipmment. She is most defintely "growing into her own" kind of girl. :)
She has also been kind of obsessed about sitting on the "big potty" with her potty seat. She takes great delight in getting it from under the sink, and putting it on the potty, and then putting it away. She is very funny about putting things "in their place" and always shutting drawers, and shutting cabinets. It's kind of funny to me because I am notorious for leaving drawers open (which really drives Joe crazy!)
She is repeating more and more words, and we love the way she says "Diet Coke". She is a funny girl!
Does this diva wear an outfit twice? Happy 19 mos...can't help but think your gonna be in trouble when it's 19 years! Maybe there's a nice convent in Florida????
She is so grown up! Wow! Happy 19 months, Leeza.
Such a fashionista. You know you gotta look good coming down that big slide. Because there's a photo opportunity lurking at every corner.
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