Today was a beautiful day in Florida. It was EXTRA SPECIAL for me, however. I had to wake up my sleeping beauty at 9:30 because we had a Kindermusic class at 10:30 AND I was meeting a lady I met on ebay to pick up some adorable clothes I had purchased for Leeza at 10. I had to wake up my SOUND ASLEEP daughter. Yes-she still sleeps until 10 most mornings-and last weekend she slept until 11 because she skipped her nap on Saturday. :)
Anyway...I digress. I am getting her dressed for the day (admitedly, one of the highlights of my day) and she says, very clearly..
My baby girl ASKED for a bow in her hair. I wept tears of joy. :) It happened again after nap time too! She still takes them out and runs from me, BUT, she leaves them in for longer and I can tell she digs em. My brainwashing is working!
Here is my bow-ti-ful and bedazzled daughter in all her splendor...
I am also excited to share her adorable bow holder that I had made to match her room. It is a bow holder themed for a princess from Kazakhstan. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way it turned out.
It's really funny...I don't really consider myself a "girly girl" and I have NEVER EVER EVER worn a bow in my hair. I blame this new bow obsession on fellow Kaz Mommy Kristan, and her diva, Sadie. Sadie looks so cute in her bows and then her mother "made me" go to all these cute bow websites and I was getting tired of people thinking Leeza was a BOY. She SO does NOT look like a boy.
I will say that Leeza LOVES shoes, and bows, and looking pretty. I think that's awesome. She can turn into an athlete when she's older, but let me doll her up now while I can. :)
I love you Leeza Grace!
She can be an athlete who looks pretty, right?
I love the bows. They are definitely bow-ti-ful!1 Love them.
I am so glad I have someone to share my bow obsession with, it makes it much more fun, really much more fun!!
The bow holder turned out awesome. It is definitley fit for a Kaz princess who now is a U.S. diva.
Leeza way to go. You are making your mommy very happy. Finley can't wait to get home and share your bows.
Cool bow holder! I always thought that was a basket. ;) Leeze Grace is so pretty. Brady sends hugs and kisses to his first girlfriend.
lol! Sure, blame it on Kristan! We all know you for the accessory diva you truly are! :-)
Leeza is gorgeous though. She's growing up so fast right now!
And the bow holder is very nice!
You're so crafty. I love the bow holder and the pretty little bow-wearing princess!
She's absolutely adorable =) I love that last picture!
Watching the two of you is precious. She looks at you with an extra twinkle in her eyes! This weekend we celebrate the first gift God gave to us, his Son, but to you---he also gave a special daughter. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Leeza is always so adorable & I have no idea why people thought she was a boy before she wore boys. She always looks girly, some people! :)
You inspire me, I am not a girly girl but I cannot wait to doll up a little girl. They have SO much cute stuff out there for girls!
The bow holder is awesome!
The bow holder is awesome! What a fantastic idea.
I haven't even tried putting bows in Sasha's hair... maybe I'll let you inspire me to attempt hair adornment!
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