Sunday, October 28, 2007

Love my horoscope for Today!!

I don't put TOO much stock in my horoscope, but I do get one emailed to me everyday.
Whenever I am working on something MAJOR in my life, it's very strange how my horoscopes seem to match what I'm going thru. It's really rather freaky!
I prefer to think of it as God guiding me along and he knows I read my horoscopes. :)

Anyway, here is my horoscope today. Eerily on target, since we found out Friday our dossier hit Kaz.

Dear Susan,
Here is your horoscope
for Sunday, October 28:

Your positive energy is perfect for movement of all kinds -- from travel to changes in career. Any new direction you choose to take right now should work out for the best for you in the long run.

In the same vein, we are teaching our kiddo's in Sunday school about Perserverance, and how good things will come and sometimes it's hard to be patient and live our lives the way God wants us too. I am learning so much from what I'm trying to teach my kiddo's. Life is certainly NEVER boring around here, that is FOR SURE!


The Cook said...

Thanks for the invitation. I would be so sad if I could not follow your journey.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to ;-) Don't live my life by it, but I sure love reading it. And better yet, my "cosmic calendar" - usually aligns with what is going on in my life!

Sonya said...

Thanks for the invitation! I look forward to following along on your adventure to bring home "Baby Kaz"!


Matthew Ruley said...

Thank you for the invite too! I feel like things are going to really move ahead for your two. Good think you're getting the baby's room ready!

sabarter said...

Thank you for including me in the invitations. I am so happy to be able follow along.

Patrick & Eileen said...

I'm glad you sent an invite! Thanks :)

Thanks for your comments about our baby's room! Since we started out with the domestic program...well we've been prepared for awhile. Still adding things (which I'll blog about at some point). I'll have to tell my husband about your comments on his crib, etc. I'm pretty proud of him!

I think it's wonderful that your husband build the train table. Sean is right - baby Kaz will love it!

Take care,

Gretchen said...

Thanks for the invite. What exciting news about your dosier reaching Kaz. I'm so happy for you.

marsrob said...

You have such a positive attitude...and yes, this takes patience in the extreme!