Thursday, September 27, 2007

Keeping Busy!!!

I haven't updated since last week because, frankly, I don't have much to say. But, I am a blog stalker and I get bummed when I stalk my blogs and people haven't updated their blogs, and I don't want to make anyone sad.
My dossier is now complete, since the arrival of the coveted I-171H last week. Getting my mail is no longer an event that causes much anxiety or sadness. YAY!! It is my last document being translated, then it will go to the program manager at CAI who reviews it before it goes to the embassy, before it goes to the country. When we will go? God only knows.
In the meantime, I am going to keep busy and not obsess. (Do you think if I write that in my blog, it will come true??)
I am SUPER EXCITED because the season premier of GREY'S ANATOMY is on tonight. I LOVE that show! And, Desperate Housewives starts Sunday! YAY!!!!

Baby Kaz's room is coming along-my hubby painted it and I LOVE IT! My stepdaughter introduced me to a friend -an artist-who is going to paint a mural of a castle, with Kaz flags on it on a wall of the nursery. I am excited about that. The room is now a lovely shade of "butter cookie" and the baseboard and closet will be painted "Nevada Sky". I wanted to have a whole Kaz color scheme going on (the colors of the flag, basically). My aunt and Grandma are hand stitching a quilt that they designed from the Kaz flag. That is super special to me as my Mom passed away when I was 17 and it's my mom's mom and my mom's sister who are making this for Baby Kaz. I cried when they told me about it. I can't wait to see it. We are also going to put hard wood floors in all our bedrooms, as our carpet is rather trashed from our cat who likes to throw up and our big huge Labradoodle Miles who is just messy. The rest of our house is tile that we got redone a couple years ago.

I think it's going to look absolutely fabulous.

I am also considering training for a marathon so I have a goal to keep me busy. Running long always makes me feel like an empowered rockstar, and I need something I can have some control over and training is good for that. I wasn't sure I was motivated to do it, but I got up at 3:40 this morning and ran 15 miles with 2 friends, and it was a great run and I felt like a rockstar. It felt good to feel in control of something. :)

I felt so good I went to the health department today and got my shots for Kaz. I went with Hep A, Tetanus, and Typhoid. Ouch-they hurt, but only for a moment. I decided to nix the Hep B since I am not going to be having any 'relations' with any foreigners and I am not planning on any blood tranfusions.

Sean will just have to get typhoid, since he's had the other shots required as a kid to go to school. He was happy about that.

I will close on this lovely video my aunt sent me, and with the simple message of how we can all make a difference. I really don't like mean, crabby people, although my son tells me I am really crabby, BUT, that is because he sometimes doesn't LISTEN to his mother and I lose my patience and end up raising my voice the 3rd or 4th time around. :)

I have met such wonderful people in the adoption world and I love reading my blogs and seeing the cute Kaz babies and wonderful Kaz parents and checking on people who are waiting like we are. Everyone is so nice, helpful, supportive and basically just super cool. Let's hope they DON'T pass that law that limits the age of adoptive parents to 50. That would leave us out, since my "young at heart and HOT" hubby is a young 51.

Enjoy the video-make a difference , just be nice!


marsrob said...

Prepping for a MARATHON?!!! AWESOME. I thought about doing that as well, especially as a goal to reclaim my body after years of infertility treatment. Instead, I started running a lot and then the day we got our referral call, I stopped sleeping, eating etc. I can barely drive, no less walk or run! Oh well. I think it is GREAT that you are running and feeling like a rock star. I know that feeling! This adoption process can be crazy-making - so anything you can do to take care of yourself is excellent!
Also, happy you posted... I enjoy your blog!
- Jennifer

Jennifer said...

3:40?!? 15 miles?!?! Um... Wow. I'm speechless. 3:40! 15 miles!! Good gracious woman! I bow down. I did 6 flights of stairs today and my thighs were BURNING! I can only run about a quarter of a mile, and then only if a bomb is about to go off any second. :-) You amaze me! I'd comment on the rest of your post, but I've got the "3:40, 15 miles" thing looping through my brain right now, and all other thoughts are essentially non-existant!

Anonymous said...

We are also waiting to travel to Kaz to adopt. Our dossier has been there since April, so it's been a loooong wait! I've been keeping busy painting our home. I've done 5 1/2 rooms, thats my marathon! It helps to pass the time. We should be traveling in Oct! Can't wait. Good Luck

Chris & Christy said...

15 miles? Are you going crazy from this adoption addiction we all are suffering from? :) I just found your blog and was enjoying jamming to 'Our God is an Awesome God,' Thanks! I am a rockstar too! :) Too funny, I love that word and use it a bit much, o'well. Thanks for following along on my blog too, our journeys to our little Kaz babies are so blessed! I have met the most wonderful people ever through this experience and plan to have many friends for life because of this journey to my daughter. Do not worry, you and your 'oh so young at 51, hot' hubby will be just fine. Please do keep me posted on your journey.

Christy :) Not quite the rockstar that you are.....but close!

Aaron and Julie said...

Trust me, training for a marathon will make the time fly. Having a great run group makes a world of difference in passing the time! Go for it - we had a blast! Thanks for the comment on our blog - we are still in shock that we leave next week. Use the time that you have now to get stuff done because once you get the call life will become a whirlwind!

Chrissy and Russell said...

Hi Susan! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I'm glad we've found each other, too. Congratulations on getting your 171 form... I know how exciting that is!!! We're hoping to travel in December (we submitted our dossier in June and asked for either gender, under 18 months).

Gretchen said...

You might think you feel like a rock star but the rock stars I know certainly don't get up at before the crack of dawn (they are already up from the night before) and go running. You are one crazy cool chick though. Wish I was like you! :)

Karen said...

We got our Hep B because we'll be spending so much time in the orphanage and you never know who has what or what your baby has.