Sean is trying out for basketball at school so yesterday, after a trip to Target to get him a basketball, we headed to the rec center so Sean could shoot some hoops. I figured Leeza would like to go to the playground because she can walk now, and it just opens up a whole new world!! She had a blast, just motoring around, walking on asphalt, then mulch, then that chopped up tire surface.
We walked back to get brother, and she wanted to play some hoops with him. It was totally unplanned, and I am so diggin my iphone cuz it takes really good pictures. I will let the pictures do the rest of the talking...but I'm thinking the WNBA may be callin us soon.....
Man..this basketball business is exhausting...I need to take a rest....
As I sit here on this chilly Saturday morning with my cup of "Joe" and my entire family still asleep (at 8:07 am..the SLACKERS), feeling refreshed after a nice brisk run this morning, I thought I'd download the many pics on my camera to showcase a little bit of Leeza's life at home. I can't believe we've been home 7 1/2 weeks already! Leeza is doing great and crawling is DONE-she is a walking machine-working on running-and her favorite new gig is walking holding things. She is a brute-and likes to carry big heavy things around with her. It's HILARIOUS to watch. She was walking like Frankenstein with her arms up in the air, but now she puts her hands on her face or her belly. I think she is working on her balance. When you say 'HO HO HO" she puts her hands on her belly and slaps it 3 times. She keeps us laughin,that is for sure!
She has adapted to our busy life very well-and is happiest when we are on the go. However, she does need her sleep, and is a definite 2 a day napper, but sometimes we've skipped one just because it doesn't fall into our schedule and she power naps a little bit in the car, but mostly, she prefers her crib, her elephant and her soska for her best sleep. :)
She can rally for a while..but once she hits that wall when she needs to sleep..CLEAR OUT cuz she is one cranky broad! She does know when she is tired though-and will walk over to her crib and try to climb in. It's so cute at night time now. I say, Leeza, night night time, and she will walk over to Daddy, and give him a kiss, walk over to Sean, and give him a kiss, then usually walk over to Sean again for kiss number 2, then walk to her crib where I lift her up and re-unite her with elephant and life is good! :)
We were given a killer jogger stroller-lovingly used,but my friend Shelly put new tires on it and oiled the joints-and we LOVE IT! We love to take our 3 mile walks with Miles...and it tests mom's coordination with the 100 lb dog and the stroller! It's a "win win" for everyone!!
She had round 2 with sitting on Santa's lap, at one of my best friends annual Christmas party. She has had them for 10 years, with Sean attending her very first one, his very first Christmas. It was so fun to have Leeza there with us this year. Sean took her up when her name was called, and she wasn't scared, but she didn't give him a big smile either. She kinda looked at him like, "Now, who are you again?"
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
She really digs the lights that daddy put up on the house. He did a LOT less than he usually does, but it still looks amazing and Leeza thinks her daddy rocks!!
We got to meet a fellow Kaz "cousin" visiting Orlando from Canada-cute lil Zoe!
Life with a very fun big brother is rarely dull...
Leeza thinks it's way more fun when big brother gives her a bath...Mommy won't get in...
Well, I'd better wrap it's an hour later, and my whole family is now up, except for Leeza, sleeping beauty is sleepin in on our's now 9:11 and she still sleeps....LOL
Here is a video of happy Leeza "jumping" with her Daddy. It's especially hilarious because Sean thought I was taking pictures (Not video) and you can see him posing. He's such a dork. :)