Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Leeza wants to have a "toxic party"

Two weeks ago, I had a girls night out and Leeza stayed home with Daddy. When I left, she was rather engrossed in Scooby Doo and didn't really realize I was leaving. At bath time, she got mad and wanted to know why I wasn't back. Joe told her I had a "ladies night" and she was VERY upset that she was not included because as she told her daddy "MOmmy is a girl, and I am a girl" and I should be at the ladies party. I love her so much. She can be a real pain in the butt, but man, can she be cute!!!

So, the next night, she packed up her suitcase and told me were were going to have a girls night and our own "toxic party". I started working for a fabulous new company in September called Ava Anderson NOn toxic. All her products score a "zero" on the cosmetic database and we threw out all our previous toxic products-including shampoo and chapstick. Leeza recognizes the Ava Anderson logo but she calls it "toxic". I need to get to to add the NON to that part. :)

1 comment:

Carolyn Tarpey said...

Man Susan, it does not get any cuter then your Lezza girl! ADORABLE! I love her little voice, sounds a lot like you:) Between the clothes and the voice I just can not get enough of her! I bet you could eat her up all day long!