Thursday, January 27, 2011

Holy Moly Growth Spurt!

I knew that Leeza was growing because it seemed like 'all of a sudden' her pants were too short, and clothes that fit 2 weeks ago didn't fit anymore. Granted, she was still able to wear almost all the clothes she wore last year too, but some of those 2t jeans, in addition to being capri's now, also won't button!

Another indicator was that we started having some real issues with Leeza's sleep patterns. She is a girl who NEEDS her sleep-and while she is much more of a "night owl", since she no longer naps, I was having a hard time getting her to sleep before 11 each night, and she was sleeping until past 10! Some mornings she's wake up uncharacterically early, and on those days....her mood was just not sunshiney! We had more melt downs, public fits, and ugly days than I care to remember. I was at my wit's end, and asked for some advice on facebook. I got over 48 comments-and some very useful advice that included GROWTH SPURTS, and her diet. Leeza was past due for her 3 year old check up and I took the opportunity to change pediatricians. While I liked her pediatricians, I just felt they were a little 'old school" when it came to my spirted lil girl and I really wanted some out of the box thinking because Leeza does NOT fit into any kind of box I've ever wrapped. :)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE her new doctor. I actually met him 3 years ago as he helped us with our physical paperwork for Leeza's adoption. We needed a physical and my dr was out of town and he did the exam, paperwork, and even called a notary in for us. When we got home, I was unable to get an appt with him in a timely fashion (we already had to wait 3 months for her insurance card) so I found someone else. In the meantime, I sent Jillian to see him, plus numerous friends. I was so happy when one of my friends told me he was accepting new patients. He has 3 adopted kids of his own and I just love his style and his bed side manner. When I told him about our recent sleep issues and the resulting horrid behavior issues, He confirmed what I was already thinking. I was suprised to see that Ms. Leeza has INDEED had a huge growth spurt...she went from 36 inches to 39 inches (74% on "the charts") and gained 4 lbs, from 29 lbs to 33 lbs! Plus, she has made huge cognitive leaps too...her reasoning, vocabulary, etc blows us away every day. She has not been interested in writing her name, or really drawing much besides scribbling. Then, out of the blue, we were doing sidewalk chalk in the driveway and she does an L e e z a and draws a lil stick man with head, hair, arms, legs, eyes, nose and mouth. Huh? Of course, I asked her to replicate for her daddy and she just mad scribbled instead. :) But, lots of stuff going on her that brain of hers so I can see why it might be hard to get to sleep. :) She also asked me the other day...."where were YOU born?" I said, Georgia, and she asked where Daddy and Seanie were born, and then said "i was born in Kazadon". I love how she says Kazakhstan. :) She also talks about her "kazadon disney friends" and how Nina painted her nails blue then we went on the Peter Pan ride. Her recollection on things blows me away. I love watching kids learn. :)

I started trying to figure out "what was different" in her diet too that could possible cause her new inability to settle her spunky ass down at night. There was ONE THING that was new-I let her pick out some new "gogurt" and it was Scooby Doo. One of the ingredients is RED DYE 40. Red Dye 40 is evil and can cause all kinds of issues. I am not sure if that attributed to our "days of evil" but I can guarantee I won't buy that ever again!

I am happy to report that we seem to be back on track (for now) and that for the last couple of nights Leeza has sletp from 9:15 ish to 9:15 am and our days have been much cheerier.

She is soooooooooooo funny and despite the power struggles, for the MOST part, we really enjoy her. The other morning, Sean was wetting his hair down for school (he wakes up with bed head) and Leeza asked him if "mommy was going to do a braid for school" because I wet her hair to braid it. HA!! Whenever Sean gets annoyed with her and tells her "she has no friends" she tells me "MOmmy-Seanie is saying bad words to me". One of her best freinds at school, Alana, has a new baby sister just born the other day. I asked Leeza if Alana had a baby brother or sister. Leeza told me matter of factly "She has a baby brother and his name is Jesus". Umm, whatever...she has a sister named Jaden. :)

Sean is on the 7th Harry Potter book and has been reading the series. Leeza asks him if he wants Harry Potter figurines (cuz she loves her Disney figurines) and if he wants to get some Harry Potter jammies. :) He doesn't. :) She was all about getting some matching ones but oddly Sean doesn't like to match like we do. Whatever. :)

We have been running every day for 15 minutes with Sean, as he is trying to get in shape and lose some weight before football season. He HATES RUNNING and I am REALLY proud of him for his efforts and persistence. He is a trooper and I am so impressed with his healthy eating habits and dedication. He's lost 4 lbs and he is looking good and breathing a lot easier. He is not really what I'd call a "happy runner" and doesn't like to talk much. Leeza, riding in the stroller, is a "happy rider" and likes to "be the line leader" and entertains us with saying "she is winning" and we are "losing" then she likes to ask Sean questions. Although the first week he just got annoyed and grunted, now he actually can answer her and actually laughs some. I think we've made progress. Yesterday, we ran for 16 minutes and 20 seconds. When we got close to home, my lil cheerleader said "Seanie, we're ALMOST HOME!! You are doing a good job!" Then, we got home and she tells us "Good running Seanie and Mommy, I'm so proud of you". Then she wants to go running, and she takes off down the sidewalk as I struggle to keep up. Love her enthusiasm, and I hope it keeps up because she has the endurance and energy to be a strong lil triathlete. :)


Kelly and Sne said...

Wow - she is becoming big! Bigger than Miras but most of the girls in his class are... I guess he'd best get used to it until high school at least! I guess you're going to have to buy her a whole new wardrobe!

Our Russian Adopted Princess said...

Hello, just found your blog and I have to say, I love how you dress your daughter. We have 4 bio boys, and we just adopted a daughter from Russia and I love dressing her. Just wondering what you do with all of her beautiful clothes? Wished you lived closer, I could of shopped your clothes she outgrows!