Monday, July 5, 2010

34 months today! 2 more months until she's 3! whoa!

I can't believe my baby is going to be 3 in 2 months!!!! The photo was taken yesterday at our friends house where we were celebrating the 4th. What's really cool about it is that the photographer used photoshop and made me skin uber smooth. :) Leeza, although getting old, needs no help with wrinkles at the ripe old age of "almost 3".

Ahh 34 months, you weigh 30 lbs and are 37 inches tall. You are getting more and more love to play catch and kick a ball, and do gymnastics. You love to stand against a wall and do a headstand with your feet up against the wall for balance. You are strong! You are a GREAT swimmer and growing more and more confident all the time. I see a future in swim team for you! You love to do art and you love love love PRETEND play. You are slowly morphing out of Sesame Street (sadness!) and your new loves are Beauty and the Beast, and Tinkerbell. I took you to church yesterday and you sat in my lap during the entire service and you were so good! I could not believe it. Your attention span is getting SO much better.

While you are growing and maturing in so many ways, you still get frustrated, at times for no reason, and just pitch a fit out of the blue. I know it's normal, but super frustrating. :) What seems to work is to have you go to your room until you can pull it together and maintain composure. :)

You LOVE to play in your princess tent. I cleaned it out on one of our rainy days here recently and put in a bunch of stuffed animals, a basket of books, some musical instruments, and some blocks and lego's. You love to spend time in there playing and singing. I really love your imagination.

I still can't believe you're almost 3!! :) You're such a sparkly ray of light. I love you Leeza Grace! You are a lil firecracker for sure!


Kelly and Sne said...

LOVE the lil firecracker! I just love this age too in spite of the challenges. Their personalities really start to come out and it sounds like Leeza has a strong one! While Miras is like your Sean and a little cautious, I have a feeling that our Irina will be fearless just like your Leeza. So, have you already started planning the theme for the birthday party?

Amy, Jeff, LM, SC, & Ashton said...

beautiful and fun update! i need your photographer in every day life to photoshop my wrinkles outta my reality! LOL...
leeza looks amazing!!! and i agree w/ kelly that she is a real little pistol - sweet and adorable! :)

Kristen (and Cary) said...

My gooodness she is getting so big. She is ablsolutely adorable. Hope all is well with you - we take the boys to camp this weekend!

Karen said...

You're both little firecrackers. Susan you're fabu with or without PhotoShop.

Aaron and Julie said...

I can't believe 'lil Leeza is almost 3!! I LOVE the mother daughter photo :)