We FINALLY got to the doctor since having Leeza home 11 weeks!!
Between waiting for her insurance cards to finding a pediatrician (using a different one than Sean's), and being lucky in that she hasn't been sick since she left the baby house, we got her in after being home almost 3 months. :)
My lil girl has gained 5 lbs since she's been home! She left Almaty at 18 lbs and is now a strapping 23.1 lbs, and 30 inches long, which puts her just below the 50th percentile on height and weight. :) She has a small lil head though, and that is at 10%, but I know lots of smart people with small heads. :)
The doctor was WONDERFUL and was familiar with Leeza's scary Kazakh diagnosis. We are going for an EKG on Friday since she had an open window in heart, but she thought her heart sounded fine, and noticed how very "purposeful" she is in her movements. She also noted that Leeza is a "determined" little girl and we can start using "one minute baby time outs". LOL
Poor Leeza had to get 3 shots, and she cried, but considering I had to wake her up from sleeping at 9:15 to go the dr, and she only had one small itty bitty yo baby yogurt for breakfast, and we were there from 10:15 to almost 1:00, I think she did just fine. :)
We have to go draw some blood and I get to collect stool samples (yum yum!) but they thought she looked great! She is hitting all her milestones, so that's good too.
She defintely has a temper goin on. Last night, I was mean mommy and made her get out of the tub. She doesn't like to dry off, she likes to run away naked and wet. However, that is NOT SAFE, so I was drying her off and she had a hissy. I FINALLY let her go and she was so MAD at me. She turned around, and held her arms up like she wanted up, THEN, she REMEMBERED she was mad at me, and dropped her arms down, clenched her fist, gave me a dirty look, screamed, and ran the other way. HA!!
She is now also "curious George" and is into everythign since she's a walkin, running, maniac, so we had to put the cabinet locks on. Joe put them on, and she went immediately to try to open it. She turned around and looked at him and he got the EVIL LEEZA LOOK! It was FUNNY! Those sweet blue eyes can look mean when they're mad. :)
Her new favorite game with Sean is "Hide and seek" where he hides from her, then jumps out and scares her by SCREAMING VERY LOUDLY. She laughs hysterically. He also gets right in her face and ROARS really loud, which she finds equally hysterical. He is going to make the poor child deaf. I think she may be a future rocker...rebel child who listens to loud music and ignores her mother....
And oh so adorable! :-)
Your post made me smile. So good to get another post on Lil' Miss Leeza!
So glad you guys got to a doctor finally. I REALLY need to get Gigi into the ped for her 24 month check-up, but I'm just now getting around to FINDING a ped and getting her files transfered since the move. Like you said- luckily she hasn't been sick so it's been ok.
Her hair is definitely getting longer!
So sweet. I'm not sure that sweet little face can possibly be responsible for screaming and rebeling and getting mad. Oh no, she's much too angelic for that. ;-)
So glad the appointment went well. What a little trooper!!
Sounds like you will your hands full when she gets a bit older.:) She seems like a strong willed girl but that's good!! I was one myself and although I gave my parents heck, I turned out alright. LOL
Holy moly, I think Noah hit 23 pounds when he was 3. :-) Glad to read the appointment went well. CUTE pictures!
Glad that you found a doctor and got Leeza in. Geez. One would think it would be easier. The blood work is not fun. I still get nauseous thinking about it. Thankfully, we dodged the stool sample bullet. Sounds like she is healthy and willful! Uh oh on the willful part. Alia already has a bit of a temper and when she wants something, WATCH OUT! This is different than laid back Luca.
Life is going to be interesting.
So happy to read all is well with the Serras!
The stool sample process may not be pretty, but it did tell us that Garrett had parasites. (Very common with adoptees.) Leeza is spunky—it'll serve her well later in life. And what a healthy appetite. That's a big weight gain for such a little petite girl. She's thriving and that's wonderful to hear. Great job mama.
Leeza sounds like she has a great personality. What a kid!
Sounds like Leeza is doing great! Impressive that she's in the 50th percentile. It's amazing how these kids blossom once they're home. Dylan wasn't even on the charts for his 12-month visit, he was so teeny, and by his 18-month one he was up to the 21st. He's a little peanut!
I had to do the stool sample thing too. Not too pretty. The shots are the worst, though. I'm always ready to cry when I see the nurses come in with them at hand!
I had to laugh at your description if Leeza's attitude. You have to get that on video. Sounds like she has quite the strong personality!
Wow that sounds great- I'll call you for more detail.
It all sounds good and normal - I am guessing sweet Miss Leeza is just ramping up for the terrible twos, Mom. So get ready! Seriously, that's a hard time and we'll support you through it all the way.
And I'll just betcha that at her next checkup she's way higher than 50%. I mean how many kids at her age haul around a basketball?
Thanks for the update. Wow, gave me a perspective on weight. Madeline was a whopping 22 pounds at 4.5 years old when we brought her home.
I am so happy that Leeze is doing so well. Give her a hug for me.
Sounds like she's a big girl. I think she's bigger than Miras was at that age. He was at the 10th percentile in weight. But I think Asians are smaller boned anyway. But I still don't want him to get pushed around by no girl! Ha!
Sounds like she's testing her limits. Had to start sometime! Miras has been getting much more independent and demanding also. Can the terrible twos really start this early?
Made me laugh about the scary mean looks with the blue eyes - Nicholas did that when we first got him home Dennis & I freaked but he has since stopped doing that "look". Nick also had a parasite which they said most likely all the kids in the babyhouse had so you might want to get it checked just to know & be sure.
Leeza sounds like a dynamo and a very happy little lady even with the bath and cabinet locks - funny how the kids are so alike - I am really amazed at that stuff when I read other kids do/have the same personalities - very funny!
We love strong willed and independent little girls :-) And I am so happy to hear that Leeza has started wagging her finger at you when she doesn't like what you're doing. That is still one of our favorite pasttimes around here.
As I have said a bajillion times, you are so lucky little Leeza isn't picky. It will suit her well later in life too. And yeah, her hair is getting so long. What a beauty she is. Not sure I believe that she can have an evil eye look. I agree with Jen that she might be too angelic for that :-)
Ah determination. Is that a Kazakh thing?
She is so cute! AND 5 pounds in 11 weeks? What's your secret?
Laughing at the mean looks Leeza gives you. Brady has started the same thing with me whenever he is told no. You've got your hands full with that adorable little girl! And she couldn't be in better hands!
So glad everything is checking out with the doctor.
Great that you can get together with so many other Kaz kids and their parents!
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