on may 5th, leeza was 32 months old. i like to do monthly updates on her, but, alas, i was in kazakhstan, on the playground mission trip, with our 2 hearts mission team, which included Sean and jillian. We got back on Sunday, may 10th, on mother's day, after traveling all the live long day. i am still processing this life altering trip, and i will defintely post later.
leeza is now 32 months old, and smart, fiesty, strong and seemingly athletic as ever. She has a very loving spirit, and makes up songs all the time and sings all day. She was very loved while mommy was gone in kaz, but her 'aunt lala' and her family. The only thing that she changed in reaction to mommy's departure was that we have momentarily regressed on potty training. She has been potty trained for close to a year, so i chalk this up to being angry or confused on why mommy left and this is how she chose to rebel. Despite that ..and on my 3rd day of being home, we are still accident free, she seemed to handle it pretty well.
After not seeing her for a week, she seems even more beautiful, smart, and funny and loving then i remembered,but, also, a lil more sassy and defiant that i remembered.
i love kazakhstan even more after the trip. i always loved it, the beautiful country where my blessed beauty was born, but this time, i fell in love even more. i feel like i need to live my life better...be more giving, more loving, more grateful, less selfish. i have never been prouder of my children than i was on this trip. Sean demonstrated a maturity far beyond his 12 years, and jillian immediately fit in, and fell in love with the country and the people. Thank you, God, for leeza, or we would have never even known about the beauty of kazakhstan.
And yeah, she really missed her brother.
Ahh, what a beautiful post, you made me cry!!! You my friend are one hell of a women and mother, you are truly amazing. I could not agree more with you, everyday when I look at Henry I feel so unbelievably grateful for the gift to parent this boy of mine. We are all so blessed. I want so badly to go on this trip next time. Somehow I have got to make it work!
I can not to see you next month and give you a big HUG!!!!
Love the 32 month update on Miss. Lezza, what a cutie, I bet she missed you so much while you were gone and the pic of her hugging Sean so sweet!!!!
just dynamite :)
loved it thru and thru and can't wait to hear more!
You guys ROCK for going there. Especially Sean & Jillian. You and Joe are definitely doing it right!
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