The day I've been waiting for has arrived...I can get Ms. Leeza's hair in pigtails! I, of course, find her absolutely irrestible, but Sean thinks she looks "stupid".
We picked him up from school today and he said 'oh, I DON'T LIKE THOSE PIG TAILS!' HOW RUDE IS HE. Well, I don't care Seany, we think she looks ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE.
I took 37 photo's and posted them on facebook. Yeah, I am SO that annoying mother that everyone 'hides' but I DON'T REALLY CARE. I love my girl and her piggy tail hair!!
HOW CAN SEAN SAY SHE IS NOT CUTE??? I mean, yeah, as her mother, I know I am very bias and am obsessed with my Leeza Grace and her hair. BUT TO SAY THAT HE DOESN'T LIKE HER PIGTAILS? Blame it on those tween hormones and dumb.ole.boys. :)
Adorable! What do boys know anyway?
The heck with what Sean say's.... I LOVE Leeze's pigtails and I think she looks adorable!!!! Clearly Sean does not know a good thing when he sees it! LOL
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