It seems like all the kids from Kaz that I've come to know are ALL not just beautiful, but athletic, smart, headstrong,and, of course, sassy.
I started Leeza in gymnastics mostly just to give her the exposure, and to help wear my high energy girl OUT a little bit. We started right when we could, at 18 months, but quickly realized that she was too young because waiting our turn, and listening, or lack of, made for a very long and miserable class (for Mommy). We tried again 8 months later, and she did SO much better. Of course, as I think is typical for most 2 1/2 year olds, some days are better than others, and, this can change from second to second on a daily basis.
There are some classes when I SWEAR I am pulling her out, and others where I am beaming with pride. :) When she decides to focus and pay attention, I can really see how strong she's getting! I am excited to see her when swimming lessons start up again. She is so much stronger and more verbal than last summer so I think once she gets her "feet wet again" so to speak, she will rock the pool. I hope so, because swim team is a GREAT actitivity that will wear her lil butt OUT. I swam on the swim team and remember the morning work outs well, and they chilled us out for the rest of the day. That's what my Leeza needs!
In other news, her preschool has a "summer camp" from 9-12 for 4 weeks this summer! YAY! It's very inexpensive and I know she will have a BLAST! She is SIGNED UP! With camp, swimming lessons, the beach, and hopefully other activities, I can continue to keep her busy and hopefully worn out so she will sleep at night.
We decided at her haircut to let her bangs grow out. We'll see how this guys. If she keeps throwing her bows, I know it will drive me absolutely insane to have her in her eyes all the time. She was looking in the mirror when I was trying on some khaki's in Old Navy yesterday and said "Eeza has blue eyes". I said "yes you do" and she says "Eeza has pretty eyes". Yes you do my sweet, but don't turn into some vain lil hot shot cuz people will defintely hate you cuz you're beautiful. Don't be a snob! :)
Wow! I'm impressed. Roxana will be starting a gymnastics class soon. We'll see how well she pays attention. :)
watch out fellow olympian hopefuls:)
have a GREAT GREAT adventure to kaz! :)
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