Yesterday, we went to the beach with Aunt Lala and her kids, and her sister in law Andrea, and her kids. Leeza was in HEAVEN. She LOVES Aunt Lala and her family...and they were her family when Mommy took of for Kazakhstan to build the playground. She was playing in the water with Mary and Madeline and then came up to me and said "I wanna be a burrito Mommy!" Every night after her bath, I wrap her up in her towel and we call it her a "Leeza burrito". It was the sweetest thing. I LOVE how my lil girl LOVES the beach SO MUCH. It's just such cheap entertainment, and it WEARS HER OUT!! I still can't get to her to wear sunglasses, except for MAYBE 2 minutes. However, she will now keep her hat on. I worry about her blond lil scalp and her beautiful lil face. Yesterday, she came up to me cuz the wind kept blowing it off and asked me "Mommy, can i please take my hat off?" I about FELL OUT. You are actually ASKING me instead of throwing it off? Who are you and what have you done to my daughter? :) I said, oh, no, honey, this is prime sun time and you need to keep it on, see, Mommy has hers on. "Ok, she says" and off she goes to play some more.
On Wednesday of this week, our regular Kindermusik class is over for the summer, so I gave her a choice of open gym (she LOVES gymnastics) OR the beach. She chose the beach. We had so much fun. She befriended a lil boy who was visiting from Maryland. He was 4. She walked up to him and asked him "Will you play with me?" MELT MY HEART! Then, that night, Joe and Sean went to go see the Rays/Red Sox game so I asked Leeza what SHE wanted to do. Her choice...BEACH! So, we went back for the sunset. :) We are REALLY blessed that the beach is only a mile away from our house.
I have a feeling we'll be at the beach a lot this summer. I am feeling less guilty about the ten suits that I couldn't resist buying Ms. Leeza, and better about my decision to join weight watchers so I don't continue to frighten any other beach goers with my "winter weight body". :)
Although, not a beach picture, here is a cute picture or two of my pigtailed princess dressed for preschool. We only have TODAY and NEXT week and SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE SUMMER! Sean's last day was yesterday. Then, we have a couple week break and she starts SUMMER CAMP, at her same preschool from 9-12 EVERYDAY for four weeks! This will be new for both of us, but she is SO social I just know this is the right thing for her. Plus, it will give mommy some time to spend with Seanie, if he wants to. :)
Leeza is so adorable. You are so lucky to be so close to the beach. I would love to live in FL. Very cool that will have special Sean time this summer. I know he will enjoy it.
Ok, that post made me WANT TO GO TO THE BEACH! We're nowhere NEAR one right now. Well, we're near enough, but it would be a huge pain. Anyways, Leeza is a sunshine girl, that is for sure. BEAUTIFUL and love the photos. Good gracious she's grown up so much since we saw her in Feb. Boy oh boy I bet Aila would LOVE to play at the beach with Leeza. SO CUTE! XOXOXO
Hi Susan, I just accidently came across your blog and I have to tell you I have changed my mind about the 2 cutest girls from Kaz (Anelya and Finley). I have changed it to 3 girls and Leeza is included. (Do you remember this conversation on facebook?) I also remember Leeza at Kazapalooza. Her eyes are just captivating! Absolutely beautiful! I love the name Leeza too!
OK, I am trying to both do the math in my head (how old Leeza is vs. LM,so how long i have to wait before he asks vs/ telling me or simply doing his own thing) and trying not to be wow'd by how it is possible she keeps getting cuter! super super cute photos from the beach and her little dress!! great update by her great mom!
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