I can't believe another month has gone by...as Leeza Grace marches on closer to turning 3!! She changes so much everyday....verbally and cognitively. She is a fun loving lil girl for sure. She just watched her 4th Disney movie...Beauty and the Beast. Ever since we saw Disney on Ice, she has been talking about "the dancing candle" so I started looking for the movie. Of course, I am unable to find it anywhere because Disney is so weird about releasing their movies. I was out and about with Sean and he tells me that we ALREADY OWN IT! So, Leeza watched it yesterday and calls it "the candle and the beast" movie. :) I love how her attention span is growing and she loves to watch movies. I am thinking this is perfect timing for our FIRST THEATRE movie which will be Toy Story 3, coming out later this month. :)
We started swimming lessons again this week. At the end of last summer, Leeza was swimming the length of the pool on her own and getting much better at the back float. However, we had to take 8 months off cuz our pool was TOO cold. The first day back, Tuesday, was slow going. However, by the next day, Leeza made amazing progress and was swimming almost back to where she was. She looks FORWARD when she swims, not DOWN, so her body starts to sink, instead of swimming horizontal. So, Emilie is working on that with her. Our pool is currently being drained, to get a new bottom and also we are converting to salt water at the same time. Thankfully, our dear friend Laura is letting us use her pool so we can continue with our swimming progress.
School ended on Friday, and we have a couple weeks "off", then Leeza is going to summer camp (at her preschool) for four weeks, EVERYDAY from 9-12. I think she will have BLAST! This will be a "first" for us, as she hasn't done anything 5 days a week without mommy (except for 2x a week at school). She is so social though that I know this will be good for her, and fun for Mommy and Sean to have some time to hang out too.
So, let's see, at 33 months, Leeza's loves are Chick Fil A, Disney movies ("The Candle and the beast", Snow White, Mary Poppins, and Toy Story), swimming, and going to Lala's house. She is defintely a beach girl, and a pool girl, and a park girl too. She can spend hours on the beach, and runs into the water, even deep, even above her head and makes her mommy a NERVOUS WRECK! She makes friends wherever she goes. She will tell me "Mommy, I want to play with those girls" and she goes on up and starts chattering away. I LOVE how social she is....she is defintely an extrovert.
After spending so much time with Laura and her family when I was in Kaz, Leeza just LOVES them. It's perfect cuz they love her too. Last night, Mary (age 10) was over while her parents were otherwise occupied, and her and Leeza had a blast. They had so much fun with imaginative play...they "went to town", "in the rain", and had tea parties. I was so entertained watching them. Mary is going to be an AMAZING babysitter and Leeza adores her. :)
Mommy had a birthday on June 2nd, and I am now officially ancient...44! Leeza and Sean got me a KINDLE! Of course, that means I have to download books (still) and actually STAY AWAKE TO READ THEM! Leeza was a sweetie on my birthday. :)
Due to all the time we spend on the beach and in the pool, Ms. Leeza has developed a very nice "sun kissed" look. I rememember how "white" she was when we met her, and how much I worried about her skin burning in the hot Florida sun. Granted, she is AWESOME about leaving her hat on, and we keep the sunscreen on her, but she has skin that just tans beautifully. Ugh....one of those pretty girls you love to hate. :) I still can't get her to wear sunglasses for longer than 5 seconds, BUT, she leaves her hat on without question now. My next challenge is the sunglasses and HEADBANDS. She looks PRECIOUS with headbands on (plus we are growing out her bangs which is KILLING ME cuz her hair is in her face) but she throws those off too.
great update and pictures, as always!! you do such a great job keeping leeza's life memories up to date and so clear and cute!!
I hear 40s are the new 30s.
you are clearly embracing it and wearing it well :)
oh my gosh - almost 3! That's almost as cool as 44 :)
*Can't wait* to see you!!!
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