Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ryan and Leeza sing 'Pants on the Ground"..

I didn't even realize it until I realized it was October 3rd today, that TODAY is our 2 year Gotcha Day Anniversary. I remember it so well-the day we finally go to "bust Leeza free" from the baby house in Kostanai and take her back to our apartment to await her passport and visa processing. I was prepared for the worst, but her transition to being with me full time was seamless. She took her first steps the 2nd day we had her.

We spent this nice fallish day at the park, riding the train, then playing at the park with Ryan, then out to lunch for chips and salsa. We are doing Christmas card pictures at the park (formal attire) in just a lil bit.

It's hard to believe this headstrong, beautiful, smart, engaging lil girl who sometimes is infuriating was the same baby girl we met who had beautiful, but "dead" blue eyes. Her eyes, how they sparkle...and how MERRY she makes us. We sure love you to pieces Leeza Grace and all your moods. :)


The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

wow... 2 years! I remember reading EVERYDAY... :) such a wonderful 2 years for you... congrats... she's a doll and so precious! Have a great day!

Amy, Jeff, LM, SC, & Ashton said...

they are completely adorable.
wow, 2 years.
yes, it is incredible and she is amazing.
i smile as you write "incredible yet at times infuriating" -- these little 3ish year olds have an amazing knack for being incredibly sweet and silly one moment, and the next moment "whoosh" they put on an entirely different act.. and i don't know abou tyou, but the "rapid swing" catches me more off guard and i think it is harder to respond to!!!
but, at the end of the day, it's the silly and sweet moments i remember the most!
happy 2 years :)