Leeza and I saw another "live" show today....this time is was Curious George Live. We have a few Curious George books and Leeza seems to love (or maybe it's her mommy who REALLY loves it) all the live shows with singing and dancing. I used to take Sean to all these shows, and I am so happy to have someone else to take. I really enjoy them and Leeza really seems to like them too. She just HAPPENED to have a Curious George outfit with matching bows, so, we kinda HAD to go because you can't waste an outfit like that!! She looked really cute, if you ask me. She of course got tons of compliments and lots of "ooh look at that lil girls outfit". :) Yes, I have a sickness but dressing Leeza is SO MUCH FUN! :)
I sprung for VIP tickets....we sat 3 rows from the stage. We also got a photo opp with the monkey himself. It was TOTALLY WORTH IT! We were so close we could see the dancers sweat beads. :) My favorite costume was the dancing spaghetti and meatballs...TOTALLY CUTE!!! Curious George was mad talented, he even danced on top of a big beach ball. The dancers did aeriel cartwheels too. It was so entertaining!!
Despite Leeza being a PITA before we left for the show (a fight over which shoes to wear), once we arrived she had a blast. She sat on my lap for much of the show, clapping and enthralled with the music. She stood up and got her dance on for a bit too. :)
Since I sprung for the pricey seats, we avoided buying any food or any CG paraphenilia. We brought our own popcorn and juice!
Leeza was sad when it was over and wanted to "watch it again". We were going to go to Chic Fil A for lunch, but she fell asleep on the way home, and is still taking a nap. YAY!
what a great day! it's amazing, the shows today. I know they make them great enough for the parents to enjoy as well. Glad you had a great day with your well dressed/coordinated daughter!
Oh my goodness Leeza in that outfit is adorable! TOO CUTE! We only saw The Wiggles when Noah was 2, nothing since. Looks like fun!
Okay! So we are going to do it! I think the show in Raleigh is in August! Better go check on those tickets!
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