Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Awesome pictures (by Jenny)

Jenny (Roxana's mommy) is an AMAZING photographer. I LOVED THE PICS she took, so I had to create a blog post for them. I REALLY love the one of Leeza and I ..both "donning our gay apparel".

It's amazing what a difference a professional makes. I get some decent shots of Leeza...due to daily pictures and lots and lots of VOLUME, but they don't hold a candle to the pro's. :)


Jstar said...

The last photo with her tongue out is adorable! Well, they all are :) but I have a special place in my heart for sassy photos

Trudi said...

wow wow wow - Jenny really did capture some amazing photos. How FUN to see that you were all together!!!!

McMary said...

Jenny is an awesome photographer.
Leeza's eyes are such a bright blue--so pretty.