Monday, March 14, 2011

Babysitting Adventures with Tyler

Karen-one of my bestest friends, had a photography seminar thingy today and asked us if we could watch Tyler! OF COURSE WE CAN!! Ryan was in school and Leeza skipped to school because she slept until 10:30 (day light savings time is a bear) AND she wanted to play with Tyler. He is such a sweet sweet baby. I was surpised to see how loving and caring Leeza was with him, and not as jealous I expected. She is a mini mommy and very helfpul. I put him down and she went to go read to him and found him toys. It was really cute. She also thought he would like Sesame Street.

She also gives GREAT tips like "Mommy, don't put Tyler in the oven, you will burn him"

She was dying to "drink him" so I let her give him a bottle. so sweet...
I really have ZERO desire for another baby, in fact, if there is NEGATIVE desire, I have that. However, if i ever changed my mind, we'll take Tyler. He's adorable.

He is the best baby. He fell asleep after getting his drink on so he's in Leeza's bed. :) Once she realized he had elephant and scooby, she removed them. She is sweet, but not THAT generous. She also think he's lame for sleeping in the day cuz it's daytime..NOT FOR SLEEPING.

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