I can't believe my baby is headed off to 7th grade. Since he is really quite gracious about letting Leeza "still the limelight", I figured he deserved a blog post to immortalize the beginning of a new school year. :) He even posed behind the tree like Leeza. He is such a good sport. I have to say, as much as he can drive me crazy, he makes me laugh every.single.day. He has such quick wit and he's really really funny. :) I wonder if he could be a stand up comic one day..he certainly is quick on his feet and comes up with some amazing zingers. :)
Sean called himself a "Nature stripper" in this one. TOLD YA HE'S FUNNY!!
I remember my 7th grade year...It was filled with drama and a year spent once a week at a child psychologist. I remember faking sick because I was so afraid the girls would "turn against me", as that was the game. One day, everyone would decide they'd ignore a certain girl and then everyone would give them the cold shoulder. It was so bitchy and mean. I told a close friend I wanted to kill myself. I wasn't serious, but of course she told my mom, and off to see Dr.Ron we went. I still vividly remember our first session (and I don't remember much) and he said "what's the problem Susan" to which I answered "I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm stuck up, and everyone hates me". Clearly, I had on idea what "stuck up" meant because I wasn't high on myself at all. I remember at the end of the year, our junior high had "Who's Who" awards and I won "Most Loveable". I hid the award from my mom, but of course, the same friend told her about it. She told "Dr. Ron" and he asked me about it. I said it was a joke to that the whole school could make fun of me because they REALLY hated me. SERIOUSLY? I am so glad Sean is a boy, because I don't see that bullshit from boys as much. Of course, it makes me worry about Leeza, because I have already seen her baby blues give some EVIL LOOKS and she can be a real lil "biotch" when she wants to be.
Sean, the comic, class clown, and the boy who may drive you crazy but make you laugh at the same time, does this "socially awkard" shtick where he says he's socially awkward because he goes to a small private school. He wants to go to a bigger school but I'm loving the academics at his current school and he's come a VERY LONG WAY from the lil boy who struggled to learn to write his name and struggled to keep up. He gave me some of his "Socially awkward" faces though during our back to school photo session, which I can't wait to share when he's older, perhaps it will be an act he does on Comedy Central. :)
When I think about it, Sean has always been a really funny kid. I remember when he was 4, they had a field trip and I couldn't drive cuz I had to work. Another mom told me at Sean's birthday party that "my son was a trip" as he told her on the field trip that his parents went out to dinner, and left him alone, with the cat as the babysitter. He and Ben (the cat) smoked cigars together. HUH???
Although, at Leeza's age, he was WAY more laid back than she was, and very very much as Mommy's boy. I met a lady at Busch Gardens and were chatting while the kids were on a ride and she was saying how her 3 year old son was SUCH A MOMMY'S boy that she hoped he'd grow more independent. I told her Sean was the same way, but now, he is VERY INDEPEDENT, and actually, so far, very trustworthy. I remember when we were in Kazakhstan, he would walk next door to the baby house and get us Coke lights and peanuts. He was not shy at all about doing this, in a store where no one spoke English. He has defintely come into his own, and I am so proud of him.
It appears Leeza is learning some quick wit from her big brother too. Last night, I was scolding her for splashing me with water in the tub, and she told me "Mommy, you need to be A NICE MOMMY. If you're not nice, you get NO M&M'S, no Beauty in the Beast, No NOTHING, and...YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR ATTITUDE". I cracked up. Then she said, if you're nice, we can go to Kazakhstan together, then she made a plane out of her washcloth and told me to "climb aboard". Then she said, we're going to Kazakhstan where she was born, THEN she is going to Colorado, "all by herself" ...alright then!!
I am quite sure that it will seem like tomorrow that I will be doing Leeza's "first day of 7th grade" post, and I hope she is not a mean bitchy girl full of drama. :)
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